Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Katie Couric Mocks Sarah Palin

Katie Couric and her lib media cohorts don't even pretend to be journalists anymore.

Couric struts her biases. She doesn't care.


Anonymous said...

Couric is too dim-witted to even realize that what she thought was a clever reply actually proved her obvious bias and that she knew her questions to Palin were BS in the first place. She also proved that Palin's take on Couric was dead-on, if understated.

Couric has no business doing what she's doing - she's not ready for prime time. In fact, she's barely fit to be a hostess on "The View". But she sure has put truth to the 'peter principle.'

Mary said...

I suspect Couric thinks of herself as a heroine.

I'm sure she has no regrets.