Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain, Obama, and "Kill Him"

During last night's presidential debate, Barack Obama suggested that people attending Sarah Palin's rallies were shouting "kill him" in response to the mention of Obama's name.

BARACK OBAMA: I mean, look, if we want to talk about Congressman Lewis, who is an American hero, he, unprompted by my campaign, without my campaign's awareness, made a statement that he was troubled with what he was hearing at some of the rallies that your running mate was holding, in which all the Republican reports indicated were shouting, when my name came up, things like "terrorist" and "kill him," and that you're running mate didn't mention, didn't stop, didn't say "Hold on a second, that's kind of out of line."

First, it's inexcusable for anyone to shout "kill him" at a rally.

However, Obama doesn't have his facts straight.

"All the Republican reports" did NOT indicate that people at Palin rallies shouted "kill him" when Obama's name came up.

From the Weekly Standard:

No One Ever Said 'Kill Him' About Obama

A look back at the original language used by Palin at the rally in question makes it nearly impossible for the exclamation to be misunderstood as an attack on Obama unless you happen to be a MSM member just dying to think the worst of the Right.

Here's the original account from the Washington Post of the Florida rally by Dana Milbank:
"And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued.

"Boooo!" the crowd repeated.

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

The subject of Palin's sentence is never in doubt. It's William Ayers, not Barack Obama.

Again, it's utterly inappropriate that someone shouted "kill him" when Ayers' name was mentioned. That goes without saying, or at least it should. But that's not the issue.

The issue is that Obama presented the people attending Sarah Palin's "rallies" (plural) as bloodthirsty thugs, calling for him to be killed.

That didn't happen. There are no reports that anyone at "some of the rallies" shouted, in effect, "kill Obama."

It's a false account. It's particularly troubling since calling for the death of the Dem nominee for president is such a serious allegation.

Obama's statement is extremely irresponsible.

I've attended two McCain-Palin events, including that town hall meeting in Waukesha on October 9, 2008, the one allegedly seething with anger.

How the lib media and the Obama campaign and Obama himself have characterized the behavior of the attendees at the rallies has been a disgrace. They've lied about the nature of the events. We aren't wearing KKK hoods, carrying torches, and burning crosses. They've outright lied about us.

After all the smearing that we have endured from Obama and his surrogates and his media allies, I was very pleased when McCain stood up for us.

McCAIN: Let me just say categorically I'm proud of the people that come to our rallies. Whenever you get a large rally of 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 people, you're going to have some fringe peoples. You know that. And I've -- and we've always said that that's not appropriate.

But to somehow say that group of young women who said "Military wives for McCain" are somehow saying anything derogatory about you, but anything -- and those veterans that wear those hats that say "World War II, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq," I'm not going to stand for people saying that the people that come to my rallies are anything but the most dedicated, patriotic men and women that are in this nation and they're great citizens.

And I'm not going to stand for somebody saying that because someone yelled something at a rally -- there's a lot of things that have been yelled at your rallies, Sen. Obama, that I'm not happy about either.

In fact, some T-shirts that are very...

OBAMA: John, I...

McCAIN: ... unacceptable. So the point is -- the point is that I have repudiated every time someone's been out of line, whether they've been part of my campaign or not, and I will continue to do that.

But the fact is that we need to absolutely not stand for the kind of things that have been going on. I haven't.

Thank you, Sen. McCain. I appreciate that.


Anonymous said...

It's all in the playbook. You can get a copy at

Anonymous said...

This guy obama is a compulsive liar. The lies are piling up so fast and furious it's difficult to debunk one before another one hits. Some strategy...

Notice also, he didn't condemn the revolting T-shirts at one of his rallies. In fact, IMHO he looked rather amused.

Anonymous said...

Except for the Secret Service arresting some guy at a rally for saying KILL OBAMA and charging him. Or the investigation that has occurred at multiple events. Even McCain had acknowledged it prior. I am not saying everyone says it, but anyone who says Kill him or terrorists about a candidate needs to be stopped. McCain did that, Palin didn't.

Feodor said...

Mary, speaking of shame, perhaps you should reflect a bit more on your "wall of shame" and the issue of cheap character assassination. American politicians, political professionals, and entertainers in contorted poses alongside pictures of Saddam Hussein and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Hussein and Ahmadinejad!

Your hate inciting actions are precisely the kind of thing that is at issue. The country is talking about it, the judgment is being made, and it is costing your noble causes an ugly death in your candidates and in the Republican party.

Whatever will you do to feed your destructive soul after Nov. 4th?

Mark said...

That said, McCain is just too honorable sometimes. He needs to get tough.

Anonymous said...

but Mark, you are an intellectual neophyte, incapable of having a capable thought, and hating people who are for equal rights, equal pay, and allow gay couples to exist, or allow people to get an abortion in the case of a rape. you are angry that you cannot shove your religion down the throats of every person, and require it to exist in public schools, forcing everyone to pray for you. You are not an American, you belong elsewhere.

Mary said...

Enough, "feodor."

You're a troll. You're spamming my blog.

Anonymous said...

He is truth not a troll

Feodor said...

Mary and troglodyte Mark,

Your friend and colleague, Joe the Plumber:

"Turns out that “Joe the Plumber,” as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate, may run a plumbing business but he is not a licensed plumber. His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes."

Senator McCain is simple negative opportunism. There is no honorable intent. There is no serious politics. There is haste, erraticism, and now fatalism.

Feodor said...


Simple problem in history: public schools followed the constitutional separation of church and state (as recommended by Thomas Jefferson) by eighty years.

The bible could not have been taught in public schools prior to separation of church and state.

And please, Marxism!? The only remaining Marxist country is Cuba. And they are opening up now.

Finally, xenophobia has been one of two major factors in the collapse of every major civilization so far. The other? Suppression of new and youthful leadership

jimspice said...

But those who do wear KKK hoods, carry torches, and burn crosses overwhelmingly vote Republican. Why do you think that is?


Mark said...

"Turns out that “Joe the Plumber,” as he became nationally known when Senator John McCain made him a theme at Wednesday night’s third and final presidential debate, may run a plumbing business but he is not a licensed plumber. His full name is Samuel J. Wurzelbacher. And he owes a bit in back taxes."

Who says you have to be a plumber to own a plumbing business, anyway? Does that somehow disqualify him from the right of owning his own business? I think not.

So, Joe the Plumber owes back taxes, eh? Despite the probability that you got that tidbit of information off the daily Kos, or some equally unreliable site, it nevertheless further illustrates the point that taxes are already a burden on the people. And Obama wants to make it worse!!!

What's your point?

And, stupid Feodor...Read the Constitution, idiot! Separation of Church and state doesn't mean the church cannot involve itself in the matters of state. It means the state doesn't have the right to interfere with the church or establish a national church.

You seem to want to reference American history. Let's do that.

The first article of the Constiitution reads, in part, "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof"

The reason that article was included in the Constitution in the first place, and indeed, included as the very first right, was because the framers didn't want what happened in England to happen to them.

King Henry III had established a Church of England, with himself as the head of said Church. This led to an abuse of power and a compulsion by the King to more or less force his subjects to worship only in his church.

Maybe before you decide to challenge the Constitution, you should actually read it.

Mark said...

That's not true, spice. They overwhelmingly vote Democrat. And it was the racist south that was controlled by Democrats. You need to read the history of the Republican party, which was formed to fight slavery and the racist policies of the Democratic party.

Also, it is the Democrats who champion the racist policy of affirmative action, an innocuous word that means "base employment and college admission policy decision on skin color, instead of merit".

Mary, I know the trolls are a pain in the patootie, but at least they are finally staying away from my blog. I thought I'd never get rid of the infestation. ..Heh heh... Better thee than me!

Feodor said...

Paying taxes is a civic responsibility. We can agree to argue who pays how much, but I pay mine and, I assume, you pay yours (though I can’t imagine your rational for agreeing to pay). But Joe can’t seem to pay his. Or use his real name. Though he is happy to allow himself to be uses by John McCain for campaigning purposes and Senator McCain is quite happy to do so. As fast as he can… without checking his facts. Not a plumber. Not his name. Owes back taxes.

Mark, this is called a failure in credibility.

Also, being more simple this time: the constitution was established first, public schools came later to which constitutional reality applied. Therefore, it is historically impossible to make sense of your claim that the Bible was taught in public schools before some unidentified liberal horde took to some unmentioned courts to toss it out. It is nonsense. Can you put two and two together now?

Mark said...

Ha Ha Ha! I don't pay taxes at all! And I'm legal! But I still don't think it's right for government to take our money. See, that may be the fundamental difference between you and I. I think of others. You and most Liberals think only of yourself.

I'm done with you.

Feodor said...

Nothing more to say about Joe, huh? Get ready for the black man as president, bubba. That's what's really eating you, right? Rasta coming for ya, hater.

Feodor said...


I can't let you keep on thinking King Henry... III was responsible for the Anglican church. Try VIII.

Or did you just miss the key?

Mark said...

Yeah, I left out the V. Thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt.

Feodor said...

Finally, Mark, and I'll have to leave you to your ignorance after this, there is a difference between a socialist government and a Marxist one. I know you don't care and wont look it up, but it had to be said. China and Vietnam have opened themselves up to the market with heavy restrictions. But North Korea is indeed a Marxist state. Hey, you got something right!

Feodor said...

How did Jesus feel about tax collectors, Mark?

jimspice said...

"They overwhelmingly vote Democrat."

That's funny.
