Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Plays the Medicare Card

From The Swamp:

Appearing in front of a crowd estimated at about 8,000 at the Roanoke Convention Center, Obama suggested cuts of "more than 20 percent" were possible by next year under the McCain plan.

"If you count on Medicare, it would mean fewer places to get care, and less freedom to choose your own doctors," he said. "You'll pay more for your drugs, you'll receive fewer services, you'll get lower quality care."

Obama said McCain has "voted against protecting Medicare 40 times" during his 26-year tenure in Congress.

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds responded that Obama was "lying" in a statement issued by the Republican campaign.

"Unlike Barack Obama's risky plan, John McCain's plans for health care do not punish struggling businesses with fines and taxes, and they certainly do not cut a single benefit for Medicare or Medicaid," he said. "For Barack Obama to talk about the hope of America and then proceed into misleading and hypocritical accusations only underscores what voters already know: Barack Obama is not who you think he is."

Barack seems to be a bit derailed since the debate on Wednesday night.

He and Joe Biden have been mocking blue collar workers, those bitter clingers.

And now, he's trying to scare seniors by playing the Medicare card, classic Democrat campaigning.

It's clear that McCain really got under Barack's skin. His minions are flipping out as well.


Anonymous said...

Yeseterday and today, Biden and Obama are showing their true colors by making condescending remarks about hard working people. This is pathetic, but I hope they keep it up.

Mary said...

This is just like the "bitter clingers" stuff.

It's incredibly offensive.

Feodor said...

Obama and Biden are taking the suffering of hard working people seriously.

McCain's primary economic advisor, Phil Gramm, thinks we are in "mental recession," and that we are "a nation of whiners.'

Anonymous said...

We have become a nation of whiners. Sometimes the truth hurts.

Feodor said...

Tell that to the people shooting themselves rather than be forced out of their foreclosed home.

Tell that to the business owners shuttering their shops because the credit market is frozen and they can't get credit for payroll based on future revenue (which is the way it works).

Tell that to the thousand of high school graduates who are working hard in school and will not find loans enough to get to college.

You are a denier of the times and of other people's dreams.

Anonymous said...

Tell it to Barney, Chris and Barry.