Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wishing No Success for Joe the Plumber

This analysis by CNN's Stacy Cowley is so incredibly twisted.

In speech after speech, presidential candidate John McCain hammers on the claim that his rival Barack Obama will raise taxes on many small businesses.

At the debate on Wednesday night, McCain said, "The small businesses that we're talking about would receive an increase in their taxes right now."

More typically he has said: "What [Obama] hasn't told you is that he would tax half of the income of small businesses in America," a line used in La Crosse, Wisc., last week.

Should small business owners fear for their wallets if Obama is elected? Not the vast majority, business and tax experts say.

..."Joe wants to buy the business that he has been in for all of these years ... he wanted to buy the business but he looked at your tax plan and he saw that he was going to pay much higher taxes," McCain said (during last night's presidential debate).

In an interview afterward with WTOL, Wurzelbacher acknowledged that he'd still like to eventually buy the plumbing company he works for but that he wouldn't yet be hit by higher taxes.

"I want to set the record straight: Currently I would not fall into Barack Obama's $250,000-plus," he said. "But if I'm lucky in business and taxes don't go up then maybe I can grow the business and be in that tax bracket - well, let me rephrase it. Hopefully, that tax won't be there."

Few owners are that lucky in business. In a member survey conducted late last year, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) found that only 14% of respondents said they had $200,000 or more in annual income.

Joe the Plumber accurately notes the fact that Barack Obama's tax plan penalizes one for being successful.

How does Barack Obama reward one for building a thriving business from the ground up?

He wants to grab a portion of the individual's business success for the government so he can "spread the wealth around."

That's his plan, but as CNN's Stacy Cowley points out, that shouldn't worry Americans. It shouldn't concern entrepreneurs.


"Few owners are that lucky in business."

Get that?

Americans shouldn't be afraid of Obama's tax plan because most owners aren't that "lucky in business."


What about hard work and dedication and effort and ingenuity?

What happened to the American Dream?

In Obama's America, he apparently doesn't expect many Americans to become successful. He doesn't foresee much growth or many dreams fulfilled.

Bottom line: Success in business is a matter of luck and few are lucky.

Not to worry, Joe the Plumber. Obama's plan is unlikely to penalize you because chances are you won't be that lucky.


Michelle Malkin: "The Left Declares War on Joe the Plumber"


Scott said...

He's not even a licensed plumber. And by his own admission this tax increase won't affect him for years.

The fact that McCain mentioned him 21 times during the last debate is hilarious. Joe the Non Plumber who WONT be affected by the tax increase.

And think about this. How much extra will Joe the Non Plumber pay when IF he buys this business and IF he makes $250,000 a year in profits?

A few hundred bucks more? And if he makes $1,000,000 in profits? A few thousand maybe. It's much ado about nothing, which is typical.

Who cares about the facts. We have good sound bites!

Mary said...

It's incredible that Obama and his minions find Joe so threatening that they have to start digging into his tax returns and doing opposition research on the guy.

Good grief.

Obama can smear this particular man and try to discredit him.

(Talk about a negative, ugly campaign!)

Obama can't destroy everyone who shares Joe's opinions.

The Left would be wise to lay off Joe. I don't think Americans will respond well to seeing the Obama camp "Bork" a private citizen.

Feodor said...

"Joe" -- or as I prefer, his real name-- Samuel J. Wurzelbacher is not a plumber and owes back taxes. He has sought tax relief because he only makes $40K and claims to be unable to pay the $1100 he owes. Joe is far from threatening. He is eager to be used by the McCain campaign to spread lies and flase offense such as Mary feels.

If there were a Joe, or since there are real Joes out there, please know that in Senator Obama's plan, Taxes on corporations are based on profit, not on revenue, and so Senator Obama’s $250,000 threshold refers to profits above $250,000. (Which Joe’s company cannot be making if it is bringing in $250,000 in revenue but has even 1 cent in expenses.) Only what is made over 250K in profits is taxed.

Senator McCain has once again rushed to use opportunistically someone who appears like a normal American but is not. He did do any background checks, he did not get to know the person he wanted to use, and the person was far too eager to be used, perhaps hoping for fifteen minutes of fame.

Sounds like Sarah Palin. The fifteen minutes are almost up.

If this is a smear, Mary, then you are coming from Wonderland.