Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Catholic Bishops, Obama, and Abortion

This is a reminder that not everyone is thrilled with president-elect Obama.

BALTIMORE (AP) -- The nation's Roman Catholic bishops vowed Tuesday to forcefully confront the Obama administration over its support for abortion rights, saying the church and religious freedom could be under attack in the new presidential administration.
In an impassioned discussion on Catholics in public life, several bishops said they would accept no compromise on abortion policy. Many condemned Catholics who had argued it was morally acceptable to back President-elect Obama because he pledged to reduce abortion rates.

And several prelates promised to call out Catholic policy makers on their failures to follow church teaching. Bishop Joseph Martino of Scranton, Pa., said he planned to counter Vice President-elect Biden, a Catholic, Scranton native who supports abortion rights.

"I cannot have a vice president-elect coming to Scranton to say he's learned his values there when those values are utterly against the teachings of the Catholic Church," Martino said. The Obama-Biden press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of the Diocese of Kansas City in Kansas said politicians "can't check your principles at the door of the legislature."

Naumann has said repeatedly that Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, a Catholic Democrat who supports abortion rights, should stop taking Holy Communion until she changes her stance.

"They cannot call themselves Catholic when they violate such a core belief as the dignity of the unborn," Naumann said Tuesday.

The discussion occurred on the same day the bishops approved a new "Blessing of a Child in the Womb." The prayer seeks a healthy pregnancy for the mother and a plea that "our civic rulers" perform their duties "while respecting the gift of human life."

Chicago Cardinal Francis George, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is preparing a statement during the bishops' fall meeting that will press Obama on abortion.

Along with their theological opposition to the procedure, church leaders say they worry that any expansion in abortion rights could require Catholic hospitals to perform abortions or face legal sanctions. Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Chicago said the hospitals would close rather than comply.

The starry-eyed lib media are in full drool mode. They're fainting and fawning over Obama. It's Camelot.

It's not Camelot for the unborn.

The lib media and the Leftist Hollywood elite and pro-abortion, anti-life Democrats in general are thrilled that Obama promises to secure the Culture of Death in America.

That's nothing to celebrate.


Anonymous said...

So you think it is ok to tell people what they should do with their bodies all in this "culture of life" yet, you support the death penalty, and war, the crusades, and have no respect for the dignity of life that people have such as being able to die with dignity with cancer by allowing the doctor to medicate them. You support the beginning of life to the end, but in between don't care how people live, if they can afford necessities, get an education or support a job. You need to rethink your hypocritical positions.

Anonymous said...

Get your hands off by body, stop preaching your religion onto me. The Catholic Church has no place in our politics, we are a country of 100's of religions and people who are secular, athiest, and agnostic, yet you want to legislate the catholic church's view on to everyone else. Way to go mary, the right to life movement disgusts me. People have a right to privacy and can discus it with their doctor.

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with this country and the people. People are struggeling and our prayers are with them. When we are in days like this we cast about looking to blame, blame the parents for letting the kid getting pregnant, blame the kid, blame the doctor, and blame everyone and get filled with rage. Then I try to find compasion for the people I blame and compassion for the people I do not understand. I remember listening to Dr. king in 1968 he asked for compassion, not becuase we felt it but becuase if we could find compasion would could express compassion and if we could it would heal us so more than vengance could. Compassion is required of us and a greater effort is required.
We are tired, tired of understanding, of waiting, why efforts to make children safe are failing. We must know we have made some progress and blame will only destroy it, and blame will breed more violence. Blame will not rid the streets of crime or fear and we have had enough of that. Blame will not strenghten our schools our families or work force and we have had enough of that. So I ask you to dig down deep with me to find that compassion in your hearts, so that we can stay on the road, working together and walk together. Because slowly and to slowly but slowly it will get better.

Anonymous said...


whatcha think about this one dearie

Anonymous said...

Mary, you sound like one of those crazy protestors chanting outside abortion clinics! You know very well that pro-choice does not mean "pro-abortion" nor "anti-life".

Criminalizing abortion does not reduce the number of abortions. It just makes them less safe. So unsafe, that women die having them. So the pro-lifers could actually be called "anti-life" themselves.

Furthermore, pro-choice also supports teaching comprehensive sex ed. This reduces the number of teen and unwanted pregnancies.Pro-lifers often are in favor of teaching abstinence-only.... which doesn't work and is the reason this country has the highest teen pregnancy rate in the developed world. Not a good thing.

So instead of slamming the other side with same-old, same-old, maybe you should consider that perhaps you all want the same thing or sort of the same thing and just differ on the best way to go about it. Maybe, just maybe, their way is better. And maybe choice is a very important thing to some people. Good people. People who value life and ALL humanity.

Mary said...

I don't support the death penalty.

I don't support abstinence only sex ed.

Anonymous said...

Well good for you Mary. But many pro-lifers are working to remove comprehensive sex ed from our schools. And many support the death penalty.

And many support killing innocent civilians in war.

The other anonymous has a good point.

Degenerasian said...

You know that the drooling media raises someone to the pedestal and then tears them down.

On CNN today they were already debating Obama's war strategy and how it will fail in Afghanistan and Iraq could be thrown back into chaos.

They will tear down Obama hard in 4 years.

Anonymous said...

You speak of freedoms. They are all equally important. Religon, speech, and choice are all freedoms that we enjoy. Your "god" gives us "free will"...How about the government should take all of them from you? Would you like that? Or do you just suppose that you decide to take what "you" will from others?