Friday, November 14, 2008

Good Morning America, Bill Ayers, and BS

UPDATE: "Campaign Boogeyman William Ayers Talks to 'GMA'"

Video of the interview here.

Note the banner on this screen grab: CENTER OF POLITICAL FIRESTORM, WILLIAM AYERS SETS THE RECORD STRAIGHT, Ayers: Obama Relationship a 'Myth'

Online, ABC keeps "Ayers: Obama Relationship a 'Myth'" up during the entire video.

Get the message ABC is sending?

On GMA's site, a headline reads, "Chris Cuomo Grills '60s Radical Bill Ayers."

Why was the "grilling" delayed until after the election?

Why was Ayers ignored by the lib media? The only time they talked about Ayers prior to the election was to trash Sarah Palin or cite Ayers as an example of John McCain's growing desperation.

It's a sickening display.


Today, Good Morning America will air its exclusive interview with Bill Ayers.

In his first post-election television interview, Chicago activist Williams Ayers, who became a center of controversy during the presidential election, breaks his silence in an exclusive interview with Chris Cuomo on Friday's "Good Morning America."

Ayers, a leader of the '60s radical group the Weathermen, became a political lightning rod because of past associations with President-elect Obama.

In his first exclusive interview, Ayers talks about the reissue of his 2001 memoir, "Fugitive Days," and his journey from privileged youth to '60s radical.

ABC has been promoting this interview nearly as much as it promoted the Charlie Gibson interview with Sarah Palin.

Now, after the election, Bill Ayers matters?

NOW we're supposed to care, when prior to November 4, it was completely out of line to discuss Ayers?

This is really sleazy.


Ayers, the anti-capitalist, is trying to CAPITALIZE on his connection to Obama


Ayers just happens to have updated his 2001 book, Fugitive Days, and he's going to plug it on ABC.

Long before Obama began running for president, and long before he was elected, America was clamoring for Ayers to update his book.


(Perhaps Ayers should update Praire Fire and cut Sirhan Sirhan out of the dedication page.)

This terrorist, anarchist, Marxist is jumping on the Obama gravy train, plain and simple.

From the Chicago Tribune:

In a new afterword to his memoir, 1960s radical William Ayers describes himself as a "family friend" of President-elect Barack Obama and writes that the campaign controversy over their relationship was an effort by Obama's political enemies to "deepen a dishonest narrative" about the candidate.

During the campaign, Ayers' friendship with Obama was a favorite subject of conservative bloggers and talk show hosts who insisted the two were closer than the candidate was admitting. Ayers' new description of the relationship seems to contradict Obama's statements.

Obama had dismissed Ayers as "a guy who lives in my neighborhood" and "somebody who worked on education issues in Chicago that I know."

Translation: Obama lied. He lied with passion and conviction. He lied early and lied often. Liar.

...Ayers wrote the new afterword on July 4, "in the heat of the summer presidential campaign, with all its attendant bells and whistles and spin, all the diversion and dissembling that happens every four years when the big election carnival rolls into town."

Now a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an expert on public school reform, Ayers was a member of the Weather Underground, a radical organization that claimed responsibility for a dozen bombings from 1970 to 1974.

It's mind-boggling that terrorist Ayers is considered an "expert on public school reform."

He should have nothing to do with educating children.

From Prairie Fire (1974), the manifesto co-written by Ayers:

We are a guerrilla organization. We are communist women and men, underground in the United States for more than four years. We are deeply affected by the historic events of our time in the struggle against U.S. imperialism.

Our intention is to disrupt the empire, to incapacitate it, to put pressure on the cracks, to make it hard to carry out its bloody functioning against the people of the world, to join the world struggle, to attack from the inside.

Ayers worked to violently overthrow the U.S. government. That was his goal. His views went beyond dissent. He declared war on the U.S.

He'll appear Friday on "Good Morning America" to promote the re-issue of his book this week. The Tribune obtained a copy of the updated material.

In it, Ayers -- who did not respond to requests for comment -- summarized his relationship with Obama: "[W]e had served together on the board of a foundation, knew one another as neighbors and family friends, held an initial fund-raiser at my house, where I'd made a small donation to his earliest political campaign."

If Ayers is telling the truth, Obama lied about their relationship. His words and his campaign ads misled the American people.

From Politico, (10/11/08):

Sen. Barack Obama says in a new ad that he launched his first campaign at the Ramada Inn in Chicago, not the living room of former terrorist William Ayers, as Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says.

The new ad takes a faintly mocking and even bemused tone.

McCain told ABC’s Charles Gibson this week: “He launched his political career in his living room, in Mr. Ayers' living room.”

The 30-second Obama ad, called “Lose,” airing in key states, says: “John McCain admits if the election is about the economy, he’s going to lose. Now as Americans lose their jobs and saving, McCain’s resorting to smears and false attacks. Barack Obama launched his first campaign here, not in anyone’s living room.

Watch the ad. It's sickening.

Ayers lamented that his relationship with Obama became an issue.

"The more serious point is that Obama was asked once more to defend something that ought to be at the very heart of democracy: the importance of talking to many people in this complicated and wildly diverse society, of listening with the possibility of learning something new, of speaking with the possibility of persuading or influencing others. ... In a robust and sophisticated democracy, political leaders, indeed, all of us, would seek out ways to talk with many people who hold dissenting, even radical, ideas."

What is Ayers talking about? During the campaign, Obama denounced Ayers. He didn't defend the radical Ayers. Obama completely brushed off Ayers, and his accomplices in the lib media were willing to do the same.

There was no discussion about Ayers. He was dismissed as irrelevant.

Now, ABC is giving the "family friend" of Obama, the terrorist, the anti-American Ayers, a forum to hawk his book. And Ayers is claiming that his "friend" Obama is his defender.

Now, what Ayers says matters.

Now, Ayers is relevant.

Disgusting. Shame on ABC.


Anonymous said...

The Ayers (terrorists) and the Obamas are family friends, so says Bill Ayers.

Obama lied.

Case closed.


2012 cannot come fast enough.

Anonymous said...

Ayers has not been relevant since 1970. I really don't care if Obama ate dinner with him, we all were invovled with people who did things in our past that are bad and we should denounce those things they did. I hope Ayers dosn't sell a single copy of his book.

Mary said...

Why is Ayers updating his book?

He thinks he can sell it to the Obama faithful and I think he's right.

Who knows? He may want to get Oprah's attention. He may be hoping his memoir becomes a book club selection.

In any event, Ayers is trying to CAPITALIZE on his connection to Obama.

Ironic coming from this anti-capitalist, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Ayres has NOT been irrelevant since the 1970s. He's dedicated his life to putting revolutionary ideas into children's minds for years and years. It's what he does. He is a danger to our country, but we've been too fat and happy to take the time to see what he has been up to. Now Obama has been elected. Ayers has his success.

It's interesting that people look away from the seriousness of what Ayers has been doing just so they can elect their Rock Star candidate Obama. The thing is that Obama and his people know how to manipulate the great unwashed to accomplish their goals. It's all in Pscyh 101.