Monday, November 3, 2008

Karel Wants Joe the Plumber Dead

UPDATE, November 12, 2008: Karel and engineer fired

Barack Obama supporter Karel, a weekend radio host on San Francisco's KGO-AM, had one of those unfortunate open mic incidents.

Remember when a mic picked up Jesse Jackson saying that he wanted to castrate Obama?

Of course you do.

Anyway, on KGO, during an ABC newsbreak, there was a sound bite with John McCain mentioning Joe the Plumber.

In the background, supposedly out of earshot, Karel (aka Charles Karel Bouley) can be heard shouting about Joe.


KAREL: F--- G-- damn Joe the G-- damn m-----f---ing Plumber. I want m-----f---ing Joe the Plumber dead.

That's harsh.

If you don't think so, I think you've got a problem.

Hear the audio.

Do you get the feeling that Karel doesn't care much for Joe the Plumber?

I do.

What did Joe the Plumber ever do to Karel?

Will the mainstream media report that Obama has whipped his supporters, like Karel, into a frenzy of hate?

So much for Obama being a healer and a transformational figure.

Obama may be transformational, but he's transforming some people into completely unhinged nutjobs.

The media and the Democrats and Obama himself were so quick to blame Sarah Palin for things that attendees allegedly shouted out at rallies.

Will Obama be criticized and held accountable for Karel's eruption?

Of course not.


Karel's website

Karel's weekly rant


Anonymous said...

Obama's Presidency will validate the views of and embolden the left-wing nuts and kooks. The United States is going to be a more dangerous place for conservatives after Tuesday. Their actions will polarize are country in ways that, just a generation ago, were unimaginable.

Christina Dunigan said...

Listen to some of the horrible things Obama supporters say about Trig Palin. They're hatemongers. The reason that Obama's votes against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act don't seem to be hurting him is that there really ARE plenty of heartless people who don't care if you kill babies, who would probably off Joe the Plumber if they thought they could get away with it, and who would cheer the Chinese tanks as they rolled off the boats into San Francisco.

Dag said...

Hi Mary. I pick this up from a Google search, and I'll link it at a couple of blogs I'm with. Good work. Thanks.

Best luck tomorrow.

Regards, Dag.

Mary said...

Thanks, Dag.

Dag said...

You're up at Covenant Zone from Vancouver, Canada. I'll be watching the returns from here and wishing for the best for all of us. Thanks again, Mary.

My best, Dag.

Anonymous said...

People, Are you really serious? After Rush was calling for riots in the streets at the democratic convention, you seize this opportunity to compare Karel to someone convicted of child porn distribution? Do you not have the mental capacity to analyze the clip, only after listening to the preceding segment whereas he clearly stated that "Joe the plumber" was a fictional character and that his comments were directed at the fictional character of "Joe the plumber" as the myth and the comments were about the subject & myth dying, not the man. Shall we start another hate filled column about the next radio host that mumbles that a cartoon character should be dead also?? Come on people. Please please please develop some critical thinking skills. We all need to stop regurgitating bias speak provided by others. Dave B

Mary said...

What are you talking about? I didn't compare Karel to someone convicted of child porn distribution.

Look, all I heard was the clip.

The fact that Karel's remarks came right after Joe Wurzelbacher was mentioned in the news report leads me to believe that Karel was not referring to a fictional character and myth.

Joe the Plumber IS Joe Wurzelbacher, a very real person.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, what does the fact that Karel is an Obama supporter have anything to do with his comment about Joe the Plumber? Am I missing something here?

Mary said...

Because the Left was constantly claiming that McCain supporters were angry and intolerant, and the media trumped up the story that supporters were shouting out ugly comments at rallies, I noted that Karel is a Obama supporter.

Anonymous said...

You people have got to be kidding! Who the hell know's this Karel dude. I had to google him just to findout what he said and where he worked, so not Obama's deal or issue.