NewsBusters points out an absolutely disgusting post at Wonkette. It accompanies this adorable photo of Willow Palin holding her baby brother, Trig, dressed in a Halloween costume, on October 31, 2008.
Jim Newell writes:
Little baby Trig must be so glad he wasn’t aborted for this, his first Halloween, because his parents dressed him up like a political party symbol to be carried around at snarling political events. Aww. Isn’t life just grand?
Newell seems to suggest that abortion would have been preferable for Trig than being dressed in a Halloween costume.
It's beyond disgraceful.
This is the ugly Left.
Here are some of the positively despicable comments on the post at Wonkette:
masterdebater says at 4:34 pm, October 31st, 2008
Such a cute picture of the proud mom…sister…whatever.
facehead says at 4:38 pm, October 31st, 2008
Initially they were going to have trig dress up as an aborted fetus.
larz says at 4:38 pm, October 31st, 2008
How mean to dress the down syndrome kid as Dumbo.
Styrofoam Boots says at 4:39 pm, October 31st, 2008
Wait, is Trig the baby with Down syndrome? … yuck.
larz says at 4:41 pm, October 31st, 2008
Put a suit on him and he could be mini-McCain.
McCainsThirdNipple says at 4:41 pm, October 31st, 2008
I’d like to abort myself if McCain/Palin wins this election. kthx.
Keram2 says at 4:43 pm, October 31st, 2008
Judging from the costume, the parents are the real retards.
StrangelyBrown says at 4:49 pm, October 31st, 2008
I thought an unaborted mongoloid baby was the symbol of the Republican Party.
LittlePig says at 5:16 pm, October 31st, 2008
Bristol and the sperm donor are corrupt and selfish? I would think Trig’s grandparents Sarah and Todd qualify more for that honor.
bc says at 9:14 pm, October 31st, 2008
May I please report child endangerment? She may not have aborted, but I assure you she’s spent the last few months trying to kill this poor baby!!!
NYNYNY says at 12:53 am, November 1st, 2008
What is the difference between Sarah Palin’s ass and her mouth? Not everything that comes out of her ass is moose-scented diarrhea. And her baby’s stupid.
That's more than enough.
It's nauseating.
How can anyone be so cruel?
Right next to that hideous post was an ad for NEA (National Educators Association) I sent them an email to inform them that I would be sure to tell all my teacher friends and family. What kind of America is this anyway?
It's nauseating that you would have the temerity to reprint such trash. I wouldn't want to see it at wonkete and I don't want to see it here.
I think it's important for people to understand how truly sick some of the Leftists are.
I believe voters should know the depths of their vileness.
Don't blame the messenger.
Americans should think long and hard about handing the country over to the Left.
(By the way, you aren't fooling anyone.)
OMG! What kind of America is this anyway? Just listen to Mary in her comment below yours and you'll see there is an America that is very scary. Fortunately her America is not everyone's America and come Tuesday we should be headed in a new direction. Obama '08!!!!! End the stupid war in Iraq - so much is needed to be done here.
You're sick to get into this side of things. You pair yourself with the fringe of both sides.
Welcome the the New Amerika.
Don't kid yourself, you've been fooled for a long, long time.
Mary it may surprise you that many of us find it despicable to take away a woman's right to choose, to discriminate against someone on the basis of their religion (or lack thereof) or to fail to understand the value of scientific knowledge and research. We're sickened by what the GOP has done to this country in the past 8 years. That's why we are voting Obama.
As long as Obama is getting votes he could care less where they are coming from - just like his donations.
It doesn't surprise me that some people don't believe in the value of life. I'm very aware of that sad reality.
Some people think the lives of Trig Palin and other individuals with Down Syndrome aren't worth living. That sickening fact doesn't surprise me at all.
I believe in protecting the rights of the weak, the sick, and the disabled.
Obama doesn't believe in protecting the weak and the innocent -- the unborn. He doesn't want his daughters to be "punished with a baby."
That's why we're voting for McCain.
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