Thursday, July 9, 2009

Letterman and Sarah Palin: CREEPY

David Letterman's relentless mocking of Sarah Palin has become worse than stale and boring and stupid and not funny.

It's become creepy.

The guy will not let up.

From the Washington Post:

David Letterman, who famously feuded with and then apologized to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin over a joke he made about one of her daughters and a New York Yankee, hasn't let up, coyly asking on his show Monday night, "Something I said?"

A lawyer who helped Palin set up her political action committee told The Post that that joke, in fact, had helped persuade her to step down. Here's the clip:

On Tuesday, Sarah Palin was the subject of Letterman's Top Ten list.

Wednesday, Letterman included more Palin "jokes" in his monologue.

I wouldn't know if Letterman has been regurgitating this crap every night. I stopped watching his show regularly when he stopped being funny, almost a decade ago.

On Wednesday's show, Letterman was talking about Palin's fishing trip with reporters earlier this week.

Letterman said, "Is it just me or is anybody else having naughty thoughts about Sarah Palin in those waders?"

If that's not an exact quote, it's close.


I mean, that is not entertaining. "Naughty thoughts"?

It's creepy, really creepy.

Afterward, Letterman contorted his face and said something to the effect, "I'll just apologize now."

Not funny.

Where's the National Organization for Women? Why are these alleged feminists silent on the relentless abuse of Sarah Palin?

Letterman also did a "joke" about Al Franken. He said that Franken was a comedian and now a politician. With George W. Bush, it was the other way around.

Oh, God.

Not to excuse Letterman for delivering this worn-out, monotonous material, but he does have some fringe Leftist writers, like Bill Scheft.

From Brent Baker, NewsBusters:

The proudest moment in his career, Late Show writer Bill Scheft boasted at a Friday comedy writer panel held at Washington, DC's Newseum, was when he got David Letterman to try to undermine guest John McCain's Bill Ayers talking point by raising McCain's relationship with G. Gordon Liddy -- as if a political dirty trickster were the equivalent of a terrorist involved with bombings which killed people, could have killed hundreds more if his attempts worked and remains unrepentant. At the event, organized by the Writers Guild of America, East, and shown Saturday night on C-SPAN, Scheft declared of his effort to discredit an anti-Obama point: “I'm more proud of that than any single joke that I've written.” That earned applause from the audience.

Later, to a chorus of “yeah” from other writers on the stage representing The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Late Night, as well as another Late Show writer (Tom Ruprecht, who is in front of Scheft in the screen shot, the best I could get), Scheft insisted the only reason the comedy shows don't make fun of President Barack Obama is because he's “a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that.”

Earlier in the day, some of the participants delivered stand-up acts and's “page 2" recounted this “joke” from Scheft: “Former Vice President Dick Cheney -- I actually don’t have a joke here, I just like to say former Vice President Dick Cheney.”

Scheft, a writer for Letterman since 1991, at the May 8 event:
The moment that I am most proud of having been on the show is when we had John McCain on after, you know, he, you know, bolted on us to go save the economy. When he came back to the show, and he was, at the time he was out on the campaign trail beating the Bill Ayers drone. And I gave Dave a note before we went on about McCain's relationship to Gordon Liddy. And, in the middle of the interview, McCain starts talking about Obama palling around with terrorists and Bill Ayers.

And I stand under the spiral staircase on stage and I was just standing there going: “Liddy, Liddy, say Liddy, please say Liddy, please say Liddy.” And Dave said, “Well don't you have a relationship with G. Gordon Liddy?” And you just saw, you know, whatever chip was left in McCain's head just kind of, phhh, and “well I, you know, I know him.” “Well, didn't you go to a fundraiser, didn't you attend a fundraiser at his house?” “Well I.” “We'll be right back.” Which is the great thing that a host can do, you know, “we'll be right back.”...I'm more proud of that than any single joke that I've written.” [Applause]


It's not because he's black and it's not because we're afraid. It's just that he's, just so far, just a little too damn competent and we ain't used to that. [multiple panelists say “yeah.”]

Scheft considers the Liddy thing as his greatest career achievement?

No wonder Letterman's "comedy" sucks with writers like that.

What's weird about Letterman, among the many things that are weird about him, is how sensitive he is.

The Cher incident comes to mind.

From People, 1986:

Who gets to Letterman? Cher. When she appeared on the show for the first time in May, Letterman asked her why she'd been reluctant to be a guest. Cher replied, with a straight face, that she thought he was an "asshole." The audience roared, but Letterman was discombobulated and never recovered for the rest of the evening, even though Cher slipped him a note that read, "Dearest David, you're not an asshole, love, Cher." "It did hurt my feelings," Letterman admits. "Cher was one of the few people I've really wanted to have on the show, and then she calls me an asshole. I felt like a total fool, especially since I say all kinds of things to people. I was sitting there thinking, 'Okay, Mr. Big Shot, can you take it as well as you can dish it out?' "

All these years have passed, and Letterman is still dishing it out.

He hasn't mellowed in his old age. I think he's grown more bitter.

He's not funny. He's mean.

1 comment:

Shimmy said...

"I loved Tanveer Ahmad," Sarah Palin said. "It was just, once the World Trade Center came down, I changed my mind."