Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Letterman: Top Ten Messages on Sarah Palin's Answering Machine


10. "Hi, it's George W. Bush. Why didn't anyone tell me resigning was an option?"

9. "It's John McCain--Why did I call?"

8. "Mark Sanford here. Ever been to Argentina?"

7. "I'm calling from Geico to see if you want to renew your dogsled insurance"

6. "It's Letterman. We still cool?"

5. "McCain again. Still no idea why I called"

4. "Hi, it's the dry cleaner. Having trouble getting caribou blood out of your Prada jacket"

3. "Hi, it's Sarah...Oops...Dialed my own number"

2. "Schwarzenegger here. If you want a job, California could use a new governor"

1. "Hey, it's McCain. Who would've thought you'd retire before I did"

It must have been tough for Letterman to not slam Palin's daughters. Miraculously, he managed to control himself and leave her children alone for a change.

Instead, Letterman opted to ridicule McCain.

That Letterman is so hilarious, isn't he?

What a tired, old hack!

Speaking of hacks, I was watching Conan O'Brien's monologue. I saw him do a Sarah Palin joke that also mocked McCain.

He said that McCain was shocked to hear that Palin was resigning as governor of Alaska. O'Brien said McCain was also shocked to learn that television is in color.

Yeah, I never get sick of hearing those "McCain is old" jokes. So funny.

O'Brien followed the lame Palin-McCain thing with some jokes about Obama's trip to Russia, but the jokes were not at Obama's expense.

Both O'Brien and Letterman refuse to make fun of Obama.



Letterman knows what jokes work?

Yeah, that joke about 14-year-old Willow Palin, "One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game... During the 7th inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez," worked out so well.


liberalindy said...

I LOVE Letterman and think you need to get over it. He is NOT a pervert...all comedians make fun of other people...that's what they do. It wouldn't be funny if he made a joke about you or me.

I really think you Cons should stop watching comedy because you have ZERO sense of humor... you people are so paranoid. Why don't you stick to boring stuff like Fox, Hannity, Rush, and the lovely Ann Coulter... what a lovely bunch of citizens you have!! You can have 'em all...

Liberal Dem who believes in freedom of speech!!!

Mary said...

I didn't call Letterman a pervert.

Where did you get that?

One of the points of my post is that Letterman doesn't make jokes about Obama. He just keeps slamming Palin and McCain.

He needs some new material.

I find it amusing that you call yourself "Liberal Dem who believes in freedom of speech!!!"

(Three exclamation points -- impressive.)

If you believe in freedom speech, you certainly shouldn't be troubled by me expressing my opinions.

Paul_D said...

Resentment and victim status must be the new hallmarks of todays oxygen-deprived conservative.

Mary said...


Anonymous said...

This is where conservatives get confused often. Let me help you out. Expressing dissent is not threatening freedom of speech, but practicing it.

Mary said...

What are you talking about?

Who is trying to silence dissent?

How is exercising free speech by expressing my opinion on Letterman's stale material attacking his right to say it?

If you want instances of silencing dissent, examine the tactics of the Obama presidential campaign and the Obama administration. Examine the Obama mouthpieces in the media.

Anonymous said...

Letterman already explained that he didn't realize it was Gov. Palin's younger daughter who accompanied her at the ballgame. No, he shouldn't have said it anyway--and he admitted that in his apology. But he was NOT directing his comment at a 14-year-old girl.

I'm not really a Letterman fan, but if you want to talk about someone who needs to get new material....

Anonymous said...

Mary, you really need to rent a crew. When it comes to Sarah Palin, the joke is Sarah Palin. We just went through 8 years of a buffoon who truly prided himself on his ignorance. It's nice to have someone in the white house who actually "knows stuff". There are a lot of people that I'd like to have a beer with, that are not suited to the presidency. Palin is, at the very least, ignorant and probably just plain stupid. Everything that is happening now is related to her chasing the gravy train. By the way, the reason her children became fair game is that she put them out there. When you preach abstinance and tout the bible and generally take a "holier than thou" approach, you open the door to charges of hypocrisy. Maybe she can have that witch doctor who cast out her demons, do the same for her enemies.