Tuesday, November 10, 2009

'Backlash Against the Backlash'

Yesterday, I wrote that I am sick of hearing about the "backlash" in connection with Nidal Malik Hasan's murderous attack at Fort Hood.

The man killed thirteen people and wounded over forty others, but we're supposed to be concerned about a "backlash."

That's nuts.ee

These "backlashes" never materialize. They're imaginary. Perhaps there is an isolated instance of a "backlash" here and there, but there certainly is nothing orchestrated like when FDR rounded up Japanese Americans during World War II and sent them to internment camps.

I'm sick of being warned not to be angry at murderers.

I don't assume that all Muslims want to kill Americans, the infidels.

Enough with the "backlash" crap. If it didn't happen after 9/11, it's not going to happen now.

Greg Gutfeld, Big Hollywood, writes about the "Backlash Against the Backlash."

And that’s the drill: concern over crimes that have never happened, as opposed to the terror that has. When Americans are murdered in cold blood, the first step in our screwed-up world is to chant, “backlash.” Never mind that backlash concerns may have allowed this massacre to occur in the first place. Hasan exhibited more signs than a horoscope – yet fears over appearing politically incorrect kept him around.

The fact is, in mosques all over the world, the desire to destroy the west continues – and our administration still worries about what you might do. The PC thing? Avoid “connecting the dots,” but stick to the “square peg in round hole” equation: a troubled man feeling hopeless in a weird world, suddenly snaps and kills people.

But it’s more than that. The defiant Muslim living in America has contempt for modern life, your lifestyle, your beliefs. Add to this a rejection of female equality, which pretty much eliminates any chance for a hook-up – and you’ve got a madman on a mission.

I suppose saying all this makes me a right-wing hate monger. But that’s the point. When a man kills Americans in the name of Allah – and you become a bad guy for pointing that out – then it’s time to be the bad guy.

It’s far better than moaning "why do they hate us."

There is something very twisted about fretting over crimes that never happened as opposed to acts of terrorism that have.

This PC crap gets people killed.

The term "backlash" is being used as a weapon.

It's inexcusable to pretend that Islamic extremism doesn't factor into what Hasan did.

It dishonors the Americans slaughtered in his shooting rampage.

They are victims in radical Islam's war against the United States.

1 comment:

ryanshaunkelly said...

Homeland Gestapo Police State
Likud Joe Lieberman and Bibi
Backlash Neocon AIPAC
Projection much?