Monday, November 16, 2009

David Brooks: Sarah Palin is a 'Joke' (Video)

David Brooks can't stand Sarah Palin. He's on a crusade to destroy her.

Is this guy a conservative? He's playing the role of Tokyo Rose to the Republican Party.

Brooks is certainly entitled to his opinion, but he doesn't have to express it in such a demeaning fashion.

Yesterday on ABC's This Week, Brooks slammed her again.

DAVID BROOKS: Yeah, she's a joke. I mean, I just can't take her seriously.

We've got serious problems in the country. Barack Obama's trying to handle war. We just had a guy elected Virginia governor, who's probably the model for the future of the Republican Party, Bob McDonnell -- pretty serious guy, pragmatic, calm, kind of boring.

The idea that this potential talk show host is considered seriously for the Republican nomination, believe me, it'll never happen. Republican primary voters are just not gonna elect a talk show host.

So Brooks a person he calls "kind of boring" as the Republican Party's future?

Besides delivering a kiss and slap to McDonnell, Brooks takes a shot at the Republican Party -- only "kind of boring" candidates need apply.

Brooks is as hostile toward Sarah Palin as Leftists. He sounds like Matt Damon or Bill Maher or David Letterman.

What's next? Will Brooks be trashing Palin for her "'slutty flight attendant' look"?


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