Thursday, March 11, 2010

Scott Walker: 'Salary'

Here's the first TV ad from the Scott Walker campaign:


NARRATOR: When Scott Walker was elected, the County Exec made more than the governor.

SCOTT: I was like, wow. That's a lot of money.

NARRATOR: So, over the next 8 years, Scott Walker gave $370,000 of his salary back to the taxpayers.

SCOTT: My wife was like, 'We're doing what?' But we believe that government spends too much, and that included my salary.

SCOTT: If you've had enough of government waste, let’s change it together. Join us at

That's a terrific ad.

This campaign isn't about talk.

Walker walks the walk.

Join the Brown Bag Movement.

“Tonette and I made decision to give back $370,000 of my salary because we believe it’s time to cut government waste and fundamentally change the way government does business,” said Walker. “Our campaign is about every day Wisconsin families worried about their jobs and family budgets, and who are sick and tired of politicians who think it’s OK to waste taxpayer money and grow government.”

The ad directs viewers to Walker's website The brown bag will be a key theme in Walkers campaign. He drives a 1998 Saturn with more than 100,000 miles on it and packs his own brown bag lunch each day before heading to the office to save money in his family budget. Walker approaches his county budget the same way, cutting out waste to do more, with less.

Since his election in 2002, Walker has cut the county debt by 10%, cut the county government workforce by 20%, and introduced eight consecutive budgets without an increase to the property tax levy from the previous year.

Scott and his wife Tonette live in Wauwatosa with their two high school aged sons, Matt and Alex.


Smarty said...

You can Rest assured that Walker took in 10Xs the amount he "returned" from the special interests who paid for his seat, If The budget were his true concern why then is he costing the state $100 million that will be lost by halting the high speed train project and lose $800million of stimulus money to be spent on the it? His budget bill has a provision to kill the Teacher/public worker's union even after they gave up over $100 million in pay & benefits, Busting the union in WI will lay the ground work for all 50 states and and another domino effect will follow with unions crashing just like when Reagan busted the air traffic controller's union, WHY? Because as Carl Rove admitted in an interview, " Unions donate $millions to Union friendly politicians, ie the Democrats, Killing unions and union dues, will take million from the Democrats presidential campaign

Mary said...

Are you from Wisconsin? Do you pay taxes in Wisconsin? Or are you a union thug doing Obama's dirty work?

You're misinformed on a number of points:

First, it's "Karl" Rove, not "Carl."

Second, Walker is SAVING the taxpayers millions of dollars by killing the train that nobody in the state wants.

Third, the budget bill doesn't kill the unions.

Fourth, Reagan did the right thing for the country when he fired the striking air traffic controllers. I hope Walker fires the teachers who are illegally striking.

Fifth, of course, unions are aligned with the Dems. Of course, Obama is busing thugs into Madison. Of course, Obama and the Dems want the money, union dues, being extorted from workers.

Sixth, of course, the union thugs and Obama are attempting to overturn the results of the November 2010 election. We voted Walker into office to do what he's doing.

Obama and his thugs are going to fail. We, the taxpayers of Wisconsin, will win.

jeff said...

Barrett for Gov. 2012. Let's do it right this time.