Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bill Maher: Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann - MILFs

Chris Matthews' guest on Wednesday's Hardball was the always greasy Bill Maher.

Matthews and Maher took aim at Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann.

Transcript, from NewsBusters:

CHRIS MATTHEWS: [Sarah Palin] doesn't know answers to questions, but and apparently according to our side show element tonight, the deal is when she gives a speech all questions have to be screened and approved by God knows who her camp. But yet when she gives a prepared speech from her stump she's talking about the Crimea, she's talking about the Ukraine, about Chechnya. She's got opinions about Iran. It's absolutely world wide the areas she's touching on. My only belief is she's got neo-cons scribbling all this stuff in crayon for her and she's reading it out like she knows what she's talking about but if you ask her one question she doesn't know any answer. So I am a little bit puzzled but I'm not really.

BILL MAHER: Yes. I'd like to see her on Jeopardy Chris.


MAHER: I would love to see her and Michele Bachman on Jeopardy. I think it would be the all-time low score.

MATTHEWS: What do you make of those two ladies when they came out and did sort of a competition, they showed up together looking - well, they are attractive ladies, let's say that, and they were very good at drawing that crowd up there in Minnesota, which I used to think was Hubert Humphrey and Gene McCarthy country, and now it's that country.

MAHER: Well, I think you're right. I think you hit on something there. They're attractive especially to the Republican Party, which is not known as a party that really does well with the opposite sex. Usually they're doughy white men and I think they look on Michele Bachmann and, and Sarah Palin, as you know, M.I.L.Fs and I agree, they're Morons I'd Like to Forget.

MATTHEWS: Oh my God. Let's take a look. Here's Sarah Palin leaving the stage today in Boston. Here's what the announcers said along those lines, Bill, I think you'll have some material here. Let's listen to what the announcers said as these, as this, as Sarah Palin left the stage.

(Begin clip)

UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Did you hear that my lefty friends? Did you see that? Conservative women, they're smarter than you and they're hotter than you!

(End clip)

MATTHEWS: Did you pick up on that little sidebar and there? "They're hotter than you, they're smarter than you." So now they do claim an advantage in that department of glamour for the first time, I guess, in a while. The Democratic Party used to that that edge. Now the conservative party, the tea partiers are claiming the, the glamour edge. Mr. Maher?

MAHER: Right and this is the, this is the criterion we're using to judge our, our field for national candidates? You know we have a terrible deficit in this country. You know what else we also have a deficit in? Female role models.

MATTHEWS: Well, I don't know about that. We've got, we've got the Secretary of State, we've got a couple of senators from California. They're pretty impressive. We've got a very impressive senator from Missouri and from Minnesota. I've gotten to know a lot of them and they're very impressive.


Maher is such a slimeball. And Matthews didn't admonish Maher at all for calling the women, a former governor and vice presidential nominee and a U.S. representative, MILFs. Yes, Maher switched it up to "morons I'd like to forget," eventually explaining his term. But that's not what MILF stands for and everyone knows it.

It's unbelievably degrading.

And what do we hear from the self-proclaimed feminists on the Left?

No complaints whatsoever.


And what do we hear from women like Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton? Why don't they object?


And what about Obama, always whining about the rhetoric from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk show hosts?


MSNBC hosts and other libs won't shut up about the supposedly ugly rhetoric from conservative commentators, but when Leftists engage in name-calling and slurs, it's considered appropriate.

I have a problem with that.



Madalyn Jenkins said...

What a couple of pukes. Bet they would have a hissy fit if anyone called their wives names. These are the times I wonder why their mother's didn't believe in abortion.

Mary said...

Bill Maher doesn't have a wife.

I'm anti-abortion. Maher and Matthews both drive me nuts but I certainly never wish their mothers had killed them.

Tony said...


But the 2 are "morons I'd like to forget." I never seen two women this educated yet so ignorant........