Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mark Neumann: Scott Walker Working Part-Time

Mark Neumann has accused Scott Walker of failing to fulfill his duties as Milwaukee County Executive.

From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:

Former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann accused County Executive Scott Walker on Monday of working part-time hours so he can campaign for governor, in the latest sign the race for the Republican nomination is growing rougher.

Walker's campaign manager said Walker is fulfilling his official duties and Neumann was misreading Walker's official schedule, which the campaign said identifies some county work as "personal time."

Neumann's comments are a sign he is willing to go on the attack in the Republican primary after sidestepping making comments about other candidates as recently as last week. Neumann's attack comes as Walker spends a week on his annual Harley-Davidson ride - a function that Walker says promotes tourism in Milwaukee County but that others say is designed to help his campaign for governor.

How lame!

Walker's Harley ride isn't a campaign thing.

He makes the trek annually, not just during an election year.

It's such a silly attack from Neumann and other anti-Walker proponents.

Whether it's the president of the United States or a local elected official, we know that the individual campaigns while holding office.

Walker certainly isn't neglecting his duties as Milwaukee's county executive.

Is Neumann going to attack Tom Barrett for failing to do his job as Milwaukee's mayor?

If there were legitimate concerns about Walker not fulfilling his responsibilities in his current position, something concrete, Neumann's criticism would make sense.

This just comes off as sniping. It makes Neumann look small and desperate.

Citing records obtained under the state's open records law, Neumann said Walker has taken 17 hours of personal leave a week on average over the past 60 weeks.

Aides to Neumann said he was campaigning Monday and unavailable for comment. In a statement, Neumann said: "Politicians get elected to one office then start running for the next, then the next, then the next. And somewhere along the way all their good intentions get lost along with any concern for taxpayers. There are no workers in the state of Wisconsin that can take an average of 17 hours personal time in a 40-hour work week."

Neumann's claim that Walker has lost concern for taxpayers is absolutely ridiculous.

Here's a statement in response to Neumann's accusation, from the Walker campaign:

Wauwatosa – Scott Walker campaign manager Keith Gilkes released the following statement today on baseless accusations from Mark Neumann’s campaign:

“Mark Neumann’s claims are complete and utter fiction, invented after looking at a few office calendars. The role of county executive, like a mayor or a governor, is a twenty-four hour a day job – whether promoting the county parks on the weekend, dealing with public safety issues in the middle of the night, or handling a snow emergency in the early hours of the morning. I guess Millionaire Mark is just used to flying into DC to cast votes, and doesn’t understand that an effective executive is on the clock ALL the time.

I really don't think it's smart for Neumann to go negative with such silly criticism.

Read Neumann's press release attacking Walker:


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