Saturday, July 10, 2010

Malik Zulu Shabazz and Osama bin Laden

This video is of Malik Zulu Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panther Party, praising Osama bin Laden is nauseating.


MALIK ZULU SHABAZZ: (Pointing to a large photo of Osama bin Laden) Let's talk about this brother. This is a bold man. Let's talk about this brother, Sheikh Osama Bin Laden. Mr. bin Laden -- gotta give his respects. He's not bowing down today. You don't see him cutting the tap dance. Mr. bin Laden, standing up. There's a man born over in Arabia standing up, and he's bringing reform to this world -- Mr. bin Laden.

Well, you're not supposed to say these things about him. I thought I had free speech. Mr. bin Laden, al Qaeda, the Taliban -- I don't know whether Mr. bin Laden had anything to do or not with the September 11th attacks. I don't know if I can trust these tapes that the government puts out.

...I don't know about believing in the credibility of a government that puts out false information and knows how to fix up the videos... I don't know if I can trust J. Edgar Hoover's people.

He is a Muslim that is standing up. (Pointing to bin Laden's photo) And for those who say that he's not a Muslim I tell them to please shut your mouth. When Mr. bin Laden speaks, he speaks from the Qur'an... and logic and reason.

...Let's give him a hand, man. God is the greatest.

If the enemy hates him, tangentially, logically, mathematically, he's your friend.

If he got Bush shook up, he got Bush shakin' and quakin', he got Rumsfield [sic] shakin' and quakin', he got to be some kind of friend of yours and mine. I don't care what you say about him, man, his name will go down in history because he will not die a punk. He will not die like some kind of sissy, standing up in the name of God.

Let's give Osama bin Laden a hand, the cold-blooded murderer of thousands of innocents.


It really disturbs me that Obama and other elected Democrats, members of the media, and pompous celebrities have bashed Tea Party candidates and participants as racist and extremist when I listen to this crap and the depth of this hatred for our country.

Is Janet Napolitano keeping an eye on these homegrown terrorists? Is she monitoring them?

How can Eric Holder ignore the New Black Panthers and their tactics and their rhetoric?

These libs continually complain about the "birthers," people caught up in questioning Obama's birth certificate. I don't hear them expending much energy condemning people like Shabazz and other 9/11 "truthers."

What the hell?


Geraldo Rivera interviews Malik Zulu Shabazz on FOX News, challenging him on his controversial remarks. He also takes Shabazz to task for supporting King Samir Shabazz.

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