Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama: Labor Day Event Tickets, Milwaukee

UPDATE, September 6, 2010: OBAMA: They talk about me like a dog.


Details on the event are still sketchy.

Tickets will be required, but the procedure is being worked out.

I doubt the non-union members of the public will have fair and equal access to the event.

President Barack Obama will be in Milwaukee on Labor Day - his third visit to the area in a little over two months - to talk directly to working families.

Obama will appear at Laborfest on the Maier Festival Grounds. The event, to be held from noon to 7 p.m., is open to the public, but a ticket will be required to see the president. The ticketing procedure is still being worked out.

In addition to Obama, Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis and Richard Trumka, president of the national AFL-CIO, will be at the event.

In 2008, Obama appeared at Laborfest as a candidate for president. Instead of his planned speech, then Sen. Obama asked the crowd to remember the victims of Hurricane Gustav.

The festival, held annually, is organized by the Milwaukee Area Labor Council. Sheila Cochran, secretary-treasurer and chief operating officer of the council, said 8,000 people attended the event last year. More people are expected this year.

Cochran said 150 different labor unions will be represented at Laborfest. "I have been told the president wants to talk to working families," Cochran said.

Sure. Obama wants to talk to "working families."

How many "working families" were in the crowd at his very pricey August 16 fundraiser for Tom Barrett?

Working families were shut out of that event.

Obama doesn't care about working families. He cares about holding on to power and keeping the unions in his pocket.

If he really cared about working families, he wouldn't be raising their taxes and destroying jobs. He would be empowering them, not making them dependent on big government and running up historic debt. Obama would be taking steps to get out of the current recession/depression rather than prolonging the misery.

I wish Obama would spend Labor Day playing golf. He does less damage to the country when he's on the golf course.


"Orange Mike" Lowrey said...

I work for a living. I belong to a union; actually, in this post-GeorgeW world, I work three jobs and belong to three unions. (Back before GeorgeW, we were a little less desperate; but Obama's begun to undo some of the Bush damage, and I pray he can do more before the inevitable corporate advertisement blitzkrieg unseats him.) I'll be proudly in that parade, with my working wife and my working daughter, as I have been for many years.

You are showing the typical parasite mentality of the modern Republicans: wanting to come to our festival without having paid your dues. Do you sneak onto the Summerfest grounds during Festa Italiana, Germanfest, Summerfest, etc. without paying for it, too? (I'm assuming a xenophobe like yourself wouldn't want to come to the Mexican Fiesta or Arabfest.) In fact, the festival is open to all Milwaukeeans; but the speech is for those of us who pay our dues every day, not for the scabs and the management leeches.

Mary said...

I'm a xenophobe?

What a class act you are!

For years, I was a union member. I still get mailings.

Why assume that my family and friends aren't currently union members?

You cast aspersions and make illogical leaps.

Furthermore, you don't have to be a union member to "pay your dues" every day. If you work, you pay your dues to the government.

Under Obama, the government collects more and more "dues."

That's bad for working families.

pst314 said...

Blitzkrieg? Parasite? Xenophobe? Scab? Is Red Diaper Mike getting crazier? Or just more openly extremist?