Friday, September 3, 2010

Harry Reid: 'This War is Lost'

Harry Reid is the lowest of the low.

From the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

In politics the truth can get stretched every which way. All stripes of politicians do it to one degree or another.

But now and again a politician comes along and tells a whopper so big it cannot pass. That's what happened this morning in the Q&A between Sen. Harry Reid and Sharron Angle in a front page of the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Asked about his 2007 comment in which he proclaimed "This war is lost" while our soldiers were still in Iraq getting their heads shot at and before the so-called "surge" even had begun, Reid today said that his statement was actually a "successful" ploy to force President Bush to refocus on political reconciliation.

The Harry Reid campaign's full explanation of Reid's successful "This war is lost" ploy:
At the time Sen. Reid made this comment, President Bush had been pursuing a failed, stay-the-course strategy that had cost thousands of American lives and billions of taxpayer dollars. Iraq appeared to be on the verge of a sectarian civil war. He was simply pointing out what our military leaders, including Gen. Petraeus, had been saying for months: that we could not win by staying the course; the war needed to be won diplomatically, politically, and economically. Sen. Reid and his colleagues were successful in forcing President Bush to finally abandon his failed approach and refocus on political reconciliation. This is what ultimately paved the way for the Iraqi government to take greater responsibility for Iraq’s future. Sen. Reid’s comments were directed at President Bush and his following of misguided policymakers, not at the heroic troops who continue to serve our country with incredible courage.

Reid's camp has the nerve to say that Reid's reprehensible statement actually was a calculated move and is responsible for success in Iraq.


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