Thursday, September 2, 2010

Keith Olbermann: Scott Walker 'Worst Person'

On its 10:00 PM newscast, TMJ4 News highlighted Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World."

Why would TMJ4 consider Olbermann's feature newsworthy? He attacked Scott Walker, and TMJ4 likes attacks on Walker.

Olbermann has been targeting Walker and his campaign. I guess the White House has asked Olbermann to keep dissing Walker, the popular Republican front-runner in Wisconsin's race for governor.

It's really a pointless exercise for the Obama administration to use MSNBC as a propaganda arm. Olbermann's ratings are so embarrassingly low. What he says doesn't have any significant reach, but TMJ4 tries to help a bit by including Olbermann's anti-Walker drivel in its newscast.

MSNBC's hosts and viewers are such hard-core Leftists. Olbermann is preaching/ranting to the choir when he slams Walker. Of course, that doesn't stop him. Like a good liberal soldier, TMJ4 is serving as MSNBC's accomplice in its anti-Walker campaign.

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KEITH OLBERMANN: The runner up, Scott Walker, again. The Republican candidate for governor of Wisconsin has a new ad against Democratic opponent Tom Barrett.

SCOTT WALKER(R), CANDIDATE FOR WISCONSIN GOVERNOR: You know, Tom Barrett can't sell his record, so he's throwing punches at me.... I'm Scott Walker and I took on the political machine in Milwaukee, and I'm ready to go the distance as your next governor.

OLBERMANN: His opponent, Mayor Barrett of Milwaukee, was severely beaten last year when he came to the aid of a woman trying to protect her one-year-old granddaughter from the girl's drunken father. In fact, after three operations, Barrett may never still regain full use of his hand. So the punches, boxing gloves thing, real classy Mr. Walker.

Olbermann talking about class?

The fact that the twisted Olbermann is complaining about Walker's ad is just more proof that the Dems' outrage over the commercial is baseless.

Clearly, Barrett is in serious trouble if this goofy non-story is seen as a way to shift the momentum in Wisconsin's governor's race.

What will Barrett do for the people of Wisconsin, other than continue Jim Doyle's disastrous agenda? That is the question.

The debate over the appropriateness of Walker's use of boxing gloves in an ad is silly.

What matters is that people in Wisconsin are really hurting. We've been beaten up by the Dems' policies and we want that to change. We want to elect Scott Walker to govern Wisconsin.


Kelsey Grammer has a message for Olbermann.


UPDATE, September 21, 2010: Scott Walker 'worst person' again

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