Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Obama Labor Day Speech - Video

Here's the complete video of Obama's speech at Laborfest in Milwaukee, September, 6, 2010.

I hadn't seen the remarks by Hilda Solis until now. The introduction by Solis, Secretary of Labor, made it sound like Russ Feingold was there with Obama. That, of course, was very misleading, since Feingold chose not to attend Obama's union rally.

HILDA SOLIS: It's equally a privilege to be with two of the hardest working U.S. senators, Sen. Herbert Kohl and Sen. Russ Feingold. I don't have to tell you about their commitment to working families because we know they're on your side.

"Herbert Kohl"?

How formal! Why didn't she say "Russell Feingold"?

Also, Solis called Milwaukee "a great city on a lake."


Milwaukee's old slogan was "a great city on a GREAT lake," referring to Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes.

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