Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Alex Sink: Debate Cheat

Democrat Alex Sink, candidate for governor of Florida, debated the Republican nominee, Rick Scott, on Monday evening.

Sink cheated.

From CNN:

Alex Sink’s campaign violated rules Monday evening at the CNN/St. Petersburg Times Florida gubernatorial debate when her make-up artist delivered a message during a television break.

Sink, the Democratic nominee, was shown a two-sentence message on a cell phone that offered her advice during the debate. Republican nominee Rick Scott who was sitting next to her in this nationally televised debate, noticed the violation and notified a CNN official, who approached the make-up artist and Sink and confiscated the cell phone.

The message read: “The attorney who [w]on the Sykes suit said alex sink did nothing wrong. Tell not to let him keep talking about her.”

After the debate, the Sink campaign released a statement from the candidate announcing that the advisor who sent the message has been removed from the campaign. The advisor was not named in the statement, but a campaign spokesman confirmed it is Brian May, who signed the rules agreement before the debate on behalf of the Sink campaign.

"After the debate tonight, one of my campaign advisors admitted he tried to communicate with me during one of the breaks,” Sink said.

“While he told me it was out of anger with Rick Scott's repeated distortion of facts, it was a foolish thing to do. It violated a debate agreement and I immediately removed him from the campaign."

Earlier in the day, officials with both campaigns signed a statement that agreed, among other things, that no notes would be allowed.

Brian May did communicate with Sink during the debate.

He violated the rules, but so did Sink.

She shouldn't have been reading a message during a break.

And the moderators of the debate didn't do a very good job monitoring what the candidates were doing.

...On the air after the commercial break, Scott pointed out the breach.

“First Alex, you say you always follow the rules,” he said. “The rule was no one was supposed to give us messages during the break, and your campaign did with an iPad or an iPod.”

For the record, the device Sink read from was neither an iPad nor an iPhone but a Droid smartphone.

For the record, Democrat Sink cheated.

Here's video.

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