Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Alvin Greene: Jim DeMint and the Recession

This interview is MUST SEE VIDEO.

It's absolutely hilarious. Actually, it's a bit scary. It's almost too Twilight Zone for me.

Democrat Alvin Greene, candidate for U.S. Senate, obviously wanted to get out the message that his Republican opponent, Jim DeMint started the recession. He reiterates that lone talking point throughout the interview

Lawrence O'Donnell, the crazed Democrat hack, doesn't shred Greene like he does when he's talking to the political opposition. He treats the bizarre, clueless, and creepy Greene with kid gloves.

O'Donnell is such an extremist wingnut that he even endorses Greene.


Transcript, from MSNBC

LAWRENCE O‘DONNELL: DeMint is up for re-election and the man opposing him may be the least likely candidate to win this November.

Alvin Greene shocked the Democratic Party when he won the primary over long time Democratic activist with 59 percent of the vote even though Greene never had one campaign event. Alvin Greene is unemployed, lives with his parents, and has now been indicted on felony charges for showing pornography to a South Carolina college student, something his lawyer called flirting.

The state of South Carolina even investigated where he got the $10,000 filing fee and found that, indeed, it came from money he saved after he left the Air Force as he had said.

Joining me now, the Democratic nominee for Senate from South Carolina, Alvin Greene.

Alvin Greene, thanks for joining us tonight.


O‘DONNELL: There‘s a first question that all Senate candidates have to answer this year. And that is, of course, are you a witch?

GREENE: No. First, I want to remind everyone that DeMint started the recession.

O‘DONNELL: There you go, you‘re on your talking points, not a witch and DeMint started the recession.

All right. Now, your nickname in high school, I‘m told, was “Turtle.” Does that tell us—and where did that come from? And does that tell us anything about how this race might end up?

GREENE: Look, DeMint started the recession, DeMint is responsible for the recession. And I‘m the best candidate that defines where we at right now in this country.

O‘DONNELL: Now, I know people tell you, you know, no matter what the question is: just do your talking points and all that sort of stuff. But seriously, Alvin, your nickname, “Turtle,” where did that come from?



GREENE: Like I said, DeMint started the recession, and I‘m the best candidate that defines where we‘re at in this country. I‘m United States Air Force and United States Army veteran. The concentrations on those efforts, an unemployed military veteran currently.

And we‘re losing—this country is losing 100,000 jobs a month and DeMint is responsible for the recession. DeMint started the recession.

O‘DONNELL: OK. Let‘s go to some DeMint‘s positions and see, you know, how you defer with him. Do you think single teachers should be school teachers in South Carolina?

GREENE: Yes, that‘s their private life. And as long as their private life doesn‘t interfere with how they do their job, that‘s fine. I mean, it‘s—what they do in their private life, you know, as long as it doesn‘t have any affect on how they do their job. So, that‘s fine.

And it‘s just poor positions from DeMint that has gotten us into this recession. So, we just have to keep that in mind, that DeMint started the recession.

O‘DONNELL: How did DeMint personally start the recession?

GREENE: Irresponsible spending, record cuts to education, supporting the Bush tax plan, mismanagement of federal resources. We can look at the wars in the Mideast and how the wars are managed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

So, we just see this irresponsible spending and this mismanagement of government resources, federal government resources, just mismanagement of resources. It‘s destroyed this country. And we see that he‘s responsible for it. And that‘s a fact.

DeMint started the recession, he‘s responsible for the recession, and it doesn‘t make any sense sending someone back to Washington that‘s messing things up every day.

O‘DONNELL: Well, I‘ve got to tell you. I don‘t think Jim DeMint personally started the recession, but I do think Alvin Greene, still better than Jim DeMint. Alvin Greene, Democratic candidate for Senate for South Carolina—thanks for joining us tonight.

GREENE: He started it in his first term.

O‘DONNELL: All right.

GREENE: All right. Thank you.

O‘DONNELL: Get out there and make your case.

GREENE: Research. Do the research.

O‘DONNELL: I will do the research right after the show. I find out who started the recession.

GREENE: Find out how he voted.


GREENE: Yes. All right.

O‘DONNELL: Thank you very much, Alvin Greene.

GREENE: All right. Thank you.

This interview is priceless.

It must have taken great restraint for Greene to say "Good evening" without following up immediately with "DeMint started the recession."

Believe it or not, Greene has improved quite a bit. Back in June, Dem U.S. Senate nominee Greene didn't know Jim DeMint's name.


This is perhaps the most telling thing I've ever heard the rabid O'Donnell say: "I don't think Jim DeMint personally started the recession, but I do think Alvin Greene, still better than Jim DeMint."

He means it, too.

What a hack!


Did you know that Alvin "DeMint started the recession" Greene won't rule out a presidential run?

1 comment:

Jason said...

recession did hit USA in a large scale and the consequences faced by the world