Friday, October 8, 2010

Heidi Fallone

Here's an e-mail message sent by Tom Barrett's campaign, from Heidi Fallone:

Dear Friend,

When he was just 21 months old, our son Andrew was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes.

I know my son may not have the same life expectancy as other kids, but stem cell research gives our family hope. Hope for a cure.

Unlike Scott Walker, Tom will let our brilliant scientists in Wisconsin continue their pioneering work so that we can one day make diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson’s, heart disease and spinal cord injuries, problems of the past.

That's why we must spread Tom's message of hope to voters across our state. Please click here to watch our new TV ad on this important life-saving research and donate $5 now to help keep it on the air.

Scott Walker says he would ban critical stem cell research in Wisconsin. That's right - ban it.

Tom won't let that happen. Tom will stand with Wisconsin's scientists and Tom Barrett will stand up for hope.

Please help us expose Scott Walker's radical opposition to the vital embryonic stem cell research that scientists know offers the best potential to cure diseases and improve lives.

Click here to watch our TV ad and share it with your friends.

I believe that stem cell research will someday lead to a cure for my son's diabetes. But, this will only happen if all forms of stem cell research – adult and embryonic – are supported.

That's why we must support leaders like Tom Barrett who stand up for hope.


Heidi Fallone

P.S. I've attached a letter to the editor on this important, life-saving research. Please read it and distribute it with your friends.

This is straight out of Jim Doyle's playbook from the 2006 campaign. Doyle's lies made me sick then and they're making me just as sick seeing them regurgitated by the shameless Tom Barrett.

Remember Jody and Maddy Montgomery and Doyle's ad, "Six Times"?

Watch "Six Times" here.

It should come as no surprise that Doyle clone Tom Barrett would mirror a 2006 Doyle campaign ad.


Saying that he does is a "Pants on Fire" lie.

Here's Barrett's disgusting ad:



Barrett is a liar.

I'm truly sorry that Heidi Fallone's son has diabetes, but that doesn't give her the right to lie about Scott Walker.

This Barrett ad really pisses me off because it's the same old Doyle BS.

This makes me so angry, but thanks for energizing me, Tom. I'll do everything I can to help elect Scott Walker.

You think that Barrett as governor wouldn't mean a third term of the disastrous Doyle for Wisconsin?

It would.

Barrett's campaign ad sure as hell is a Doyle replica.


UPDATE, October 8, 2010: Tonette Walker responds to Tom Barrett's despicable ad via an e-mail to supporters.

Tonette writes:

Today I was forwarded this disturbing email from Tom Barrett.

We've known Tom a long time, which is why I'm even more disappointed that he continues to lie to you about my husband.

Tom Barrett is using the Jim Doyle playbook by exploiting the plight of those afflicted with diabetes and other diseases in TV ads, falsely telling you that Scott is "against hope" and that he would "ban stem cell research."

Well, I am also a type 1 diabetic, and I CAN PROMISE YOU, my husband is full of hope! Hope for me, hope for our family, and hope for Wisconsin!

Regardless of what Tom Barrett has said, Scott will NOT ban stem cell research. Scott supports adult stem cell research- research which science has shown to have the most promise to cure my disease and which does not destroy innocent human life.

As governor, Scott will work to make Wisconsin a national leader in finding cures for diseases that have robbed many of us of the people we love. As science has shown, we can realize the potential of stem cell research without destroying human embryos or resorting to human cloning. We can both protect the earliest stages of life and find cures.

That's a win-win scenario that we would hope Tom Barrett would embrace.


Tonette Walker

PS – help us fight back against the Jim Doyle-Tom Barrett playbook of lies and attacks with a donation of $5, $15, $20, $50, or more today!

When it comes to the stem cell research issue, I think Barrett's behavior is absolutely disgusting.

He knows damn well that Scott Walker doesn't want to BAN stem cell research.

As a Catholic, Barrett is certainly aware of the moral and ethical concerns regarding EMBRYONIC stem cell research, the destruction of innocent human life. He knows there's a critical difference.

Come on, PolitiFact Wisconsin! Declare Barrett's "Pants on Fire" now!

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