Friday, October 15, 2010

Tom Barrett, Scott Walker: Town Hall Debate

Wisconsin's gubernatorial candidates are meeting at Ray and Kay Eckstein Hall, Marquette University's law school, for a town hall debate. It's moderated by Mike Gousha.

Tom Barrett is wearing pink ribbon lapel pin. Is that supposed to appeal to women?

I don't like it at all. In my opinion, he's trying to score political points by exploiting women battling cancer. The fact is government-run health care is the enemy of women facing that disease and those yet to be diagnosed. How sleazy!

Barrett, much like Russ Feingold in his last debate with Ron Johnson, is being very combative.

Scott Walker is in command.

Do you see steam coming out of Barrett's ears? He's angry.

Barrett is blaming Scott Walker for the sewage dumping in Lake Michigan? Walker held it up?

Barrett said there's no question he lived up to his campaign promises about STOPPING the dumping.

That, of course, is false. It's a flat-out lie. What a stupid thing to say! Billions of gallons of sewage have been dumped on Barrett's watch, 2 billion gallons alone from the storm this past July.

That's a promise kept?

Barrett says that if Walker is elected governor there is no way that higher education in Wisconsin won't suffer, because Walker is obsessed with tax cuts.

Once again, Barrett is complaining about Walker mentioning Jim Doyle. It's impossible to discuss government in the state of Wisconsin without including the current governor in the conversation, especially since Barrett's policies mirror those of the Doyle administration.

Walker said, "I'm running on my record. I'm not running away from Jim Doyle's."

Barrett sounds so whiny. That doesn't work well.

Barrett says he's not going to demonize anyone.

That's a laugh!

Barrett has an ad that says Walker is against stem cell research. It's a lie and it's the demonization of Walker.

Barrett says that a scientist using EMBRYONIC stem cells is "doing the Lord's work."

Yikes! That's a poor choice of words. I don't think Pope Benedict XVI would agree. Tom's priest should have a talk with him and explain about the sanctity of human life.

Barrett said that politicians should not be dictating what world-class scientists and doctors are doing.

Then how can Barrett support ObamaCare, the government's intrusion into medicine and our health care decisions?

A questioner, an elderly man, blamed his wife's death from leukemia on a lack of embryonic stem cell research. That's sad. He's bought into the Dems' lies and false hope.

Regarding green energy, Walker was very strong. Barrett had to back off a bit about government mandates. The best rebuttal Barrett could come up with was green energy is not Walker's priority.

On jobs, Walker wiped the floor with Barrett. Getting government out of the way is how to create jobs in Wisconsin according to Walker. We know he's right.

Barrett attacked Walker by saying he's talking down Wisconsin and that's no way to attract jobs. That's idiotic. Walker is talking about bringing about the change that will bring jobs back and keep the ones that are here.

Barrett's answer in terms of job creation was he'd be a promoter. Barrett certainly has failed in promoting Milwaukee. What a lame answer!

Walker was on message - jobs, jobs, jobs.

Barrett tried to paint Walker as an extremist on social issues.

Note to Barrett: It's the economy, stupid.

Barrett claimed that he's a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

That's odd considering whenever there's a horrible murder in Milwaukee Barrett blames the guns as much or more than the thugs using them.

Walker had a great closing statement.

Barrett talked about bringing "adult supervision" to state government in his closing statement. That's goofy. He told viewers he's more trustworthy than Walker. Very unconvincing.

I do agree with Barrett that the election is about voting for the person best capable of leading Wisconsin.

Scott Walker.


Here's reaction from Keith Gilkes, Scott Walker's campaign manager:

Scott did an amazing job tonight laying out his positive vision and clear plans for the state of Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Tom Barrett used 76% of the questions to launch misleading and negative attacks against Scott.

Wisconsin needs a true leader who has a real plan to get government out of the way so Wisconsin can get back to work. Scott Walker has a proven record of doing just that as Milwaukee County executive. He's authored nine consecutive budgets without a property tax levy increase over the previous year and has held the line on spending.

Negative attacks and distortions won't get Wisconsin working again. Scott's plan to allow the private sector to create 250,000 jobs WILL!


DW said...

Not a Barrett fan, but in his defense, October is breast cancer awareness month, and lots of people are wearing these pins and wearing pink. If he's wearing it every day, like people I know who actually do want to promote breast cancer awareness, then I give him credit. If he's just wearing it in a very public setting like this, then he probably is just pandering.

Mary said...

I feel very strongly about this pink stuff.

I can't give Barrett any credit for so-called "awareness" when he actively supports the ObamaCare policies that are an assault on women struggling to survive the disease or live longer with it.