Monday, November 1, 2010

CNN Poll: 75% of Americans Say Country in Bad Shape

We, the People, don't like what we see.

According to a new poll from CNN, a whopping 75 percent of Americans believe things are going poorly in the country.

The number of Americans who say things are going badly in the country, at 75 percent, is higher than it has been on the eve of any midterm election since the question was first asked in the mid-1970s, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday also indicates that the economy remains, by far, the top issue on the minds of Americans. Fifty-two percent of people questioned say the economy's the most important issue facing the country.

"That's more than the deficit, education, health care, terrorism, energy, illegal immigration and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. "No other issue was named as the country's top problem by more than 8 percent."

Just one in four polled Americans say things are going well in the country today, with three-quarters saying things are going poorly.

"Even in 1994, when the Republicans last took control, and in 2006, when control flipped back to the Democrats, roughly half the public was satisfied with the state of the nation," adds Holland. "Only 25 percent say that things are going well in the country today, and voters appear poised to take it out on the Democrats on Tuesday."

Seventy-five percent. That is huge.

I guess Obama and the Democrats have united us.

Tomorrow, we vote.

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