Wednesday, November 3, 2010

John Kerry: Harry Reid, Dracula

I dare you to read John Kerry's statement on Harry Reid's victory without laughing:

"Politico was wrong, Huffington Post was wrong, hell, all the pundits were wrong. Harry Reid isn't just Dracula, he isn't just Lazarus, he's our Leader and our whole caucus is thrilled that he's unbreakable and unbeatable."

That's so funny! Kerry is loony!

I don't know what voters in Nevada were thinking by reelecting "Dracula."

Byron York tweets:

The stat of the night, from exit polls: Of those who voted in NV, 55% disapproved of Reid's job performance, 44% approved. And Reid won.

Either the exit polls presented an inaccurate picture or the Nevada voters are masochists or they thought they were casting votes to boot Reid out.


jimspice said...

I never thought I'd say it, but thank Aqua Buddha for the Tea Party. They are the only reason Harry still has a job and the Senate is still in the hands of the Dems. Angle, Miller and O'Donnell cost the Rs full control.

Jim said...

Or the SEIU rigged the election machines.

Mary said...

I suppose I should be thankful for the Democrat Party and Obama and Pelosi. Without them, the extremist Feingold may have won another term.

Yes, the SEIU and other union thugs swooped down on Nevada and did what they had to do.