Monday, February 21, 2011

Death to Scott Walker

Some Twitter users have been expressing their wish for Governor Scott Walker to be killed.

Video, from Breitbart.

lauren_2121 (Lauren Kaufman): i hope scott walker dies. someone please shoot him?!

Mcgee_12 (Ashley McGee): Everyone say it with SCOTT WALKER MUST DIE #imcominforyou

MmmSalsa87 (Ben LeComte): Scott Walker, go die.

dat_le13 (Dat Le): Scott walker must die, mrs branner needs her benifits

jritsynme (josh harmon): Please destroy Scott Walker!!!! He is the devil and deserves 2 be shot!!!! This asshole has waged war on wisconsin workers

Lil_Kent (The Asshole): Just read a status on facebook that said Scott Walker should die comeback as a tampon lmao

andyhillsteezy (Andy Hill): I hope Scott walker gets shot and or tortured

Drusilla_1616 (Cassandra B): sat next to guy in class and he kept going on about how great Scott Walker is, I turned to him said "I wish someone would shoot him already"

AshleyBre92 (AshleyBre): RT @AdoreKesh_RT @AshleyBre92 I'm tired of hearing about Scott Walker jst shoot the bastard-lmaooo-Lmao forreal I'm tired of the complaints

AforAnessa (Anessa ReYes): I bet any $ somebody's gonna shoot scott walker.

JohnnieeBravo (Monaee Renaeel): Somebody gone kill scott walker..or already plannin to!

jritsynme (josh harmon): Scott Walker is destroying the state of wisconsin!!! I wish a anvel would fall out of the sky and KILL this scumbag!!!!

J_Shack (Jevonti): LOL HELL YEA RT @Simply_Missy90 Scott Walker cut food stamps its over he gettin assassinated ..!

Good grief.

It wasn't that long ago that Obama lectured Americans on their political rhetoric.

The liberal media and liberal elected officials and other Leftists spent weeks yapping about the need for a new tone and the alleged violent rhetoric coming from the Right.

Why aren't they speaking out about the ugliness being directed at Scott Walker?

They're hypocrites.


Cecilia said...

There are violent pigs and hypocrites on both sides of the political aisle. It is wrong to say that you want someone killed, even if you disagree with them. The accusation that Sarah Palin inspired the Arizona shooter was total false witness and the creeps who talk like that will have to answer to God some day.

Harvey Finkelstein said...

Obama is now saying that his administration had no part in the WI demonstrations, so that takes care of that!

Mary said...

Let me be clear -

Obama is a liar.

Cecilia said...

We live in a country where children get kidnapped off the streets to be raped and murdered. And these idiots are calling for the death of a politician they disagree with? Give me a break. If you want to wish death on somebody, why not pray for the deaths of anti-child predators? Aren't they a lot more worthy of death than someone who simply disagrees with you politically?

waterst. said...

Cecilia, where do children get kidnapped and raped off the street in the USA? If you do not see what Scott walker is doing to our state and country, then you are blinded by the media. Unless of course you are a millionaire, then I can understand you.