Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Russ Feingold and Keith Olbermann

Russ Feingold is no longer a U.S. senator (because he was fired by the people of Wisconsin), but he still wants to be a relevant voice in American politics.

He took his fringe Leftist views to The Early Show on CBS.

On Monday, Feingold appeared on Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Current TV version.

Here's video.

Former Sen. Russ Feingold, founder of Progressives United, tells Keith he both supports and is excited about the Occupy protests. Feingold is calling on Democrats to not play "cautious politics" and to join the movement, saying conservatives are attempting to mock the protests because "they're very nervous that this might work." Feingold adds, "My sense is that there is great fear that this sweet deal that a lot of these people have in both Washington and New York ... is finally being threatened and challenged."

Feingold says it's "time to take it up a few notches."

Careful, Russ. You may be encouraging violence.

1 comment:

Harvey said...

I starting to think that these jokers wouldn't mind seeing it.

I guess RF forgot that they were supposed to toning down the rhetoric. Or maybe that was just supposed to be the Republicans.