Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I recall when Wisconsin was a fiscal mess. It wasn't long ago.

I recall when Wisconsin was broke, one year ago.

Do you recall?

Things have changed in Wisconsin, for the better.

Thank you, Scott Walker!


When Governor Scott Walker took office last year, Wisconsin was broke.

The state faced a $3.6 billion budget deficit, 150,000 jobs had been lost over the previous three years, and taxes kept going up.

Scott Walker put in place a plan to turn the state around.

He balanced the budget without raising taxes, businesses began hiring thousands of new employees and the average homeowner will see more than $400 in tax savings thanks to Scott's reforms.

Scott's ideas are working.

I refuse to sit back while interests from out-of-state come here and attempt to overturn the results of the 2010 election.

Wisconsin voted for Scott Walker and he did what we elected him to do. That's what democracy looks like.

Now, we have a war being waged by big government and big labor against the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Taxpayers will be stuck with a $9 million bill for this lame recall election.

Tens of millions of dollars will be wasted in advertising as this circus plays out.

It ticks me off.

If the union leaders and their minions think we're going to let them stick it to us, they're wrong.

We'll elect Walker again.


jimspice said...

Do you not see the irony of Mr. Walker deriding out-of-state money while on an out-of-state fund raising drive?

Mary said...

As I said, Big Labor made this a national fight when it chose to overturn the results of the November 2, 2010, election.

The recall was in the works as soon as the votes were counted and we chose Walker to be our governor in order to pull the state out of the fiscal abyss.

Of course, we're going to prevent the Left from dragging us backward.

I see no problem with getting financial help to defend the rights of Wisconsin taxpayers, given the millions of dollars pouring into the state from Big Labor proponents.