Thursday, April 19, 2012

Romney v. Obama: The Economy

We have a long way to go before November 6, 2012, but I'm very positive about it.

I think we have an excellent chance of electing Mitt Romney, and getting the country back on track, off Obama's current path of destruction.

Try as they might to talk about a phony War on Women or class warfare or Seamus on the roof of the car, this election is about the economy.


Polls are snapshots. They go up and down. They're flawed. Questions are loaded. Samples are skewed. They have a lot of problems.

Polls can be helpful, but minimally. There is so much room for error I don't think results should be cause for too much comfort or distress, generally speaking. It depends on the poll. Results are only as reliable as the methodology.

But when poll after poll shows that people are not happy with how Obama has handled the economy, I believe it.

Voters disapprove of Mr. Obama's handling on the economy by 56 percent to 38 percent.

"Republican Romney seems to hold an edge on the economy — the top issue of the campaign — and holds his own against the incumbent on being a strong leader," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Everyone has been hurt. We've lost jobs or can't find employment. Our home values have dropped. We can't buy because we can't sell. Retirement savings have taken huge hits or been wiped out altogether. In short, it's been a nightmare and it's not ending under Obama. There's no sign that Obama is doing anything to dig us out of this hell.

The Buffett Rule isn't the answer. Class warfare won't change things. The fact that Obama is emphasizing that as the solution shows that he is in way over his head.

It's time for change.

Right now, I want to be Romney's dog, Seamus, going on vacation, even if it means a little car sickness.

I no longer want to be the chewed up dog in Obama's digestive tract.

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