Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hunter Rogers

Hunter Rogers, North Carolina high school student, and his mother, Gina Rogers, were on FOX and Friends this morning.

Hunter is the student who recorded his teacher, Tanya Dixon-Neely, yelling at him for questioning the behavior of Obama.

What should have been a civil exchange of views in the classroom was instead a shocking display of a teacher screaming and lying to her students.

Hunter and his mother talk about the incident here:

Hunter did the right thing.

He busted this out of control teacher.

"Conservatives used to take it and we're not taking it anymore."

--Andrew Breitbart

1 comment:

KeiNaumu said...

Just as I was beginning to think that guts and bravery were becoming extinct in this country, this young man gives me hope. Now that he has put his beliefs into action, I think the adults should do the same. If some kind of college account has not been set up for him, one should be started. Mr. Hunter Rogers is the hope for the future this country desperately needs.