Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama, Hillary Apology Ad on Pakistani TV (Video)

Did you know that if you're a U.S. taxpayer, then you're paying for ads running on Pakistani TV, starring Obama and Hillary Clinton?

The ads apologize for the anti-Islam film.

From FOX News:

Marked by the U.S. Embassy seal, advertisements condemning an anti-Islam video appeared on Pakistani television on Thursday in an apparent attempt to undercut anger against the United States, where the film was produced. Hundreds of youths, however, clashed with security officials as they tried in vain to reach the embassy in Islamabad amid anger in many countries over the film's vulgar depiction of the Prophet Muhammad.

The advertisements appear to be an effort by the U.S. government to dampen chaos surrounding the film and undo some of the damage to America's image in the Muslim world. Violence linked to the movie has left at least 30 people in seven countries dead, including the American ambassador to Libya. Two people have died in protests in Pakistan.

The television ads in Pakistan feature clips of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton during press appearances in Washington in which they condemned the video. Their words were subtitled in Urdu.

"We absolutely reject its content and message," said Clinton in the advertisement.

A caption on the ad reads: "Paid Content."

The advertisements end with the seal of the American Embassy in Islamabad, the Pakistani capital. It was not known how many channels were airing the ads or whether they were being run in other Muslim countries or just Pakistan.

More, from the Associated Press:

The American embassy in Islamabad, in a bid to tamp down public rage over the anti-Islam film produced in the U.S., is spending $70,000 to air an ad on Pakistani television that features President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton denouncing the video.

The State Department said Thursday the embassy had compiled brief clips of Obama and Clinton rejecting the contents of the movie and extolling American tolerance for all religions into a 30-second public service announcement that is running on seven Pakistani networks. Obama and Clinton’s comments, which are from previous public events in Washington, are in English but subtitled in Urdu, the main Pakistani language.

What a waste!

$70,000 is a drop in the bucket, but it's still disturbing that American tax dollars are being used to apologize for the free speech of a private citizen.

Are the people of Pakistan so stupid and close-minded that they don't understand that this little film is not the production of the U.S. government?

What's especially troubling to me is that Obama will bend over backwards to convince Muslims in Pakistan that America shows "tolerance for all religions" while he tramples on the First Amendment rights of Catholics in the U.S.

The fact is the Obama administration is most definitely NOT tolerant of all religions.

Obama is at war with Catholics in America.

Where's the ad running in the U.S. with Obama apologizing to Catholics?


Watch the ad.

(h/t Gateway Pundit)

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