Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We Belong to the Government?

I could not disagree more with the Democrats.

"The government is the only thing that we all belong to."

I don't belong to the government.

In America, it's "government of the people, by the people, for the people."

The government belongs to us. We don't belong to government.

Good grief.

This is the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans in a nutshell.

Only a twisted mindset like "we belong to the government" would permit the trashing of the Bill of Rights and the religious oppression instituted by Obama.

Obama's war on religion, Catholics specifically, this disgraceful attack on our liberty, is the most contemptible thing done by a U.S. president in my lifetime.

1 comment:

Sons of Confederate Veterans said...

I can't comprehend any Christian, Catholic or Protestant voting Democrat. They embrace blatantly unChristian immoral planks to their official DNC platform and obviously want everyone to pay their fair share as part of "belonging to the government" to pay for other's contaception, abortions and benefits for gay couples. Atrocious.