Saturday, October 13, 2012

Paul Ryan's Widow's Peak - Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon continues to mock Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.

Recently, Fallon has been focusing on Paul Ryan's appearance. On Thursday's Late Night, he made fun of the photos in TIME of Ryan working out.

Fallon commented that Ryan looked like Screech from Saved by the Bell.

On Friday's show, Fallon again mocked Ryan's appearance, in the taped cold open, in a short bit right after the monologue, and in his "Thank You Notes" segment.

From the cold open, Obama and Mitt Romney watching the VP debate on TV together:

OBAMA (Dion Flynn): You know, Mitt, I've been meaning to ask - what's up with Paul Ryan's hair? It's all combed forward, with a widow's peak.

MITT ROMNEY (Jimmy Fallon): I know, right? He looks like a cross between a CGI Tintin and Eddie Munster.

And then after the taped piece and following his monologue, there was this:
JIMMY FALLON: I was watching the vice presidential debates last night and I was looking at Paul Ryan. And, you know, he has sort of, he has a widow's peak here. Have you noticed this thing? And I don't know if anyone else saw this, but I saw it last night. Like the more, it seemed like the more frustrated he was getting throughout the night, the more like, it was like kinda like being, it was pronounced. It was, we have, just, here's some clips from last night. Take a look.

Fallon wasn't finished. He mocked Ryan's appearance in his "Thank You Notes" bit, too.
JIMMY FALLON: Thank you, Paul Ryan's workout photos, for showing what it would look like if Screech from Saved by the Bell started taking steroids.

This is all so lame. It's almost an obsession.

In 2008, the Leftists portrayed Sarah Palin as a ditz. They were relentless. They were unfair to her. They were cruel. They were sexist.

Obviously, Paul Ryan can't be portrayed in the same manner. He's too high-profile. He's known to be exceedingly bright. So, his hairline becomes fodder.

Something as superficial as that tells me the Obama campaign and surrogates have nothing. Their mockery is not witty. It's stupid. It's childish, like schoolyard bullying.

I don't find it entertaining. It's getting so monotonous.

(Hey, did you hear about Dan Quayle misspelling "potato"?)

I don't know. When it comes to fellow Wisconsinite Paul Ryan, I'm a bit of a homer. So I don't like the mocking. It ticks me off.

If we're going to talk about VP candidate hairlines, let's remember that Biden's is fake. Hair plugs.


Anonymous said...

It's comedy. Laugh or change the channel.

Mary said...

Comedy is a subjective thing.

You're right. If one is looking to be entertained and the content falls short of one's expectations, change the channel.

That's what I do.