Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mitch McConnell, Ashley Judd - Recording and Transcript

Who bugged Mitch McConnell's campaign headquarters?

Who recorded a discussion without the knowledge of all the participants?

That's illegal. That's the main issue here, not what was said about Ashley Judd.

From Mother Jones:

On February 2, Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate GOP leader facing reelection next year, held a private meeting at his Louisville, Kentucky, campaign headquarters with several aides to discuss opposition research collected on his potential challengers and how best to defeat possible foes. Much of the conversation focused on actor/activist Ashley Judd, who at the time was the most prominent of McConnell's potential Democratic opponents, and McConnell and his aides considered assailing Judd for her past struggles with depression and for her religious views. (Judd has since announced she will not run against McConnell.) Mother Jones has obtained a recording of the meeting.
Oh, horrors!

Imagine a political campaign using a person's religious views or past history against an opponent.

Democrats/Leftists never do that, do they?

Good grief. Obama ran around saying Mitt Romney was responsible for killing a woman. Are we really supposed to be concerned about an opposition research meeting about a potential opponent?

Sarah Palin was ridiculed for her faith. Her family was viciously attacked.

Christine O'Donnell was declared a witch.

Without question, the FBI should investigate this.

We don't know the party responsibility, but we know that an enemy of McConnell wanted to do damage to him.


Here's the audio:

Here's the complete transcript.

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