Thursday, March 12, 2015

Obama, Hillary, and Transparency

That was then, 2008:

This is now, 2015:

Andrew McCarthy asks: Why Did Obama Tolerate Hillary’s Use of Secret E-mail?

Politico is reporting that President Obama knowingly corresponded with then–Secretary of State Hillary Clinton via the latter’s private e-mail address. That does not necessarily mean Obama knew Clinton was systematically flouting administration rules and federal record-keeping law. It does, however, mean he and administration officials had to know she was conducting official business over non-secure, non-government e-mail — even in communicating with the president of the United States; even though the White House claims Obama, as his top aide Valerie Jarrett puts it, “has a very firm policy that e-mails should be kept on government systems”; and even though the president and the State Department forced the resignation of Obama’s ambassador to Kenya, in part over his use of private e-mail to conduct government business.

...[A] federal criminal law makes it a felony when any custodian of official government records “willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same.” The crime is punishable by up to three years in prison. And interestingly, Congress felt strongly enough about the crime that it included the unusual provision that the perpetrator shall “forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States.”
I don't see the Hillary email scandal as just her problem.

It's Obama's problem. The buck stops with him. He's responsible for permitting this sleaze. It's on him.


Unknown said...

No wonder our Country is in trouble when we have leaders like Obama and Hillary who don't know the meaning of truth. So much Transparency from both of themI and praying that we get leaders with faith and care about others. nothing comes good from people only thinking of themselves and thinking they are the ones that are always right.

Anonymous said...

No wonder our Country is in trouble when we have leaders like Obama and Hillary who don't know the meaning of truth. So much Transparency from both of themI and praying that we get leaders with faith and care about others. nothing comes good from people only thinking of themselves and thinking they are the ones that are always right.