Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Charlie Sykes Stepping Down From Daily Radio Show

Time For A New Chapter - Stepping down from daily radio show

Sykes writes:
I know that lot of people will assume that my decision has something to do with this current campaign and the rise of Trumpism. But, the reality (as my friends and family know) is that I made this decision a long time ago. Twenty-three years is a long time to do a radio show and most hosts don’t get to go out on their own terms. So I’m lucky to have had that chance.

But it would also be fair to say that this campaign has made the decision easier. The conservative movement has been badly damaged; obviously the conservative media is broken as well. So this is a good time for step back, sit down for a while, and ask “What the hell just happened here?”
Being away from the radio and Internet today until late this evening, I hadn't heard this news until minutes ago.

I'm not surprised.

For so long, Charlie was an informative and entertaining voice on Milwaukee radio.

He'll be missed.

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