Thursday, August 27, 2009

Van Jones: What Did the White House Know?

Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily reports:

More than five months after the Obama administration announced the hiring of its "green jobs czar," Van Jones, the White House has refused to explain whether it knew of Jones admitted black nationalist and radical communist history and just who hired the adviser.

Also questions continue to fester about how Jones, who has an arrest history, passed security clearances for his White House position.

Cliff Kincaid, an editor at Accuracy in Media, attempted to answer some of these questions when he used the Freedom of Information Act in April to request immediate access to all documents relating to the appointment of Jones to the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he serves as special adviser for green jobs, enterprise and innovation.

The council, which hired Jones, replied that it "searched its records system and found none responsive" for Kincaid's request.

The council recommended more information be sought at the White House Press Office, which did not respond to Kincaid's requests about how Jones was hired.

The White House also did not reply to numerous WND requests for comment.

The Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck program similarly asked the White House whether it was aware of Jones' radical history.

The White House provided the following response: "Mr. Jones is entirely focused on one policy goal: building clean energy incentives which create 21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and utilize renewable resources."

The lack of available information concerning Jones is unusual since the Obama transition team previously touted it developed a seven-page questionnaire that included 63 questions about an applicant's background and qualifications for a federal job. Kincaid pointed out that CNN reported the document was to be for "every candidate for Cabinet and other high-ranking positions in the incoming administration."

However, there is no indication Jones ever filled out the document.

Also, there are open questions as to how Jones obtained a White House security clearance. He spent time in jail several times, including in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.

This is crazy.

I can't believe that the White House didn't know about Jones' history.

He should have filled out the Obama questionnaire. The White House should have known everything about Jones.

Here is the full text of the Obama questionnaire.

There are a few scenarios:

1. Jones didn't fill out the questionnaire.

2. Jones filled out the questionnaire but didn't answer the questions fully and/or truthfully.

3. Jones filled out the questionnaire, revealed everything, and was offered a position in Obama's czar army in spite of the damning information he divulged.

All are bad.

I am so sick of the White House being so slow to respond to requests for information. Where's the transparency?

What a crock!

1 comment:

angelocustody said...

What exactly did you guys expect? Oh yeah, "Change!" Well, now you got some change, We've learned the Cambridge Police are stupid, and Republicans are "assholes." And the jiggy truth is that the president can place anyone he wants in his administration and all critics will be discredited and dubbed "UnAmerican!" Now . . . Can I get some darn healthcare which someone else will pay for? You bet I quit my job, and it's fun being a leech on society in this new Socialist party.