Monday, December 14, 2009

Kevin Jennings: Fisting

Given all the revelations that have come to light, I do not understand how Kevin Jennings, founder of Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), can be Obama's Safe Schools Czar.

Early in fall, some very disturbing stuff about Jennings was discussed.

Kevin Jennings, Safe Schools Czar - Advice to Teen (Audio)

Kevin Jennings, 'Romeo and Juliet' - Audio

Kevin Jennings, Kindergarten Curriculum - Audio

Kevin Jennings: Gay-Only Schools, Racists

Of all the people in the country, I sincerely don't understand why someone as radical and dangerous as Jennings has been tapped to be the Safe Schools Czar.

Sex between a child and an adult is not OK. It's against the law. Period.

So how can Obama allow someone like Jennings to be his SAFE SCHOOLS CZAR?

I suppose the Obama administration is being pressured by special interest groups to stand by Jennings, but this has really become too much.

It's important to make the distinction that opposition to Jennings has nothing to do with opposing gay rights. This is about extremism. Jennings' sexual orientation is irrelevant. What's at issue is the radical and, in some cases, illegal agenda that Jennings pushes.

For days, Big Government and Jim Hoft have been exposing a workshop at a 2000 conference sponsored by Jennings' organization that promoted the practice of "fisting" to 14-year-olds.

[I]t was discovered that Kevin Jennings’ organization GLSEN sponsored a youth conference at Tuft’s University in March 2000. This conference was fully supported by the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Safe Schools Program, the Governor’s Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth, and some of the presenters even received federal money. An undercover journalist with Mass Resistance was at the conference and recorded a couple of the workshops. During one of the conference workshops an activist asks 14 year-old students, “Spit or swallow?… Is it rude?” This audio clip segment is also posted here.

That’s not all. The conference also included a workshop where GLSEN activists promoted “fisting” to 14 year olds. Here is the shocking clip where the activists promoted “fisting” to the students:

Jim Hoft's previous posts on Kevin Jennings and Fistgate can be found here, at Gateway Pundit.

Today, there's audio of an interview of a teacher who attended the controversial Fistgate conference.

Hoft writes:

After years of silence a traumatized Massachusetts teacher spoke out in an interview about what she witnessed at GLSEN’s Fistgate Conference in 2000. She also describes Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings’ role at the infamous conference that discussed “fisting” and “watersports” with children.

The Massachusetts teacher in this interview attended the conference and actually took the photo of Obama’s Safe School Czar Kevin Jennings sitting and holding a conference program during a break. Jennings was the keynote speaker at the conference.

The teacher claims that there is “no way” that Obama’s Safe School Czar did not know about the pornographic and sexually explicit material that was presented and discussed at the conference.

Here's the audio:


Kevin Jennings should step aside immediately or Obama should remove him as his Safe Schools Czar.


Andrew Breitbart asks:

'SafeSchoolCzar' Question of Day: Why do John Podesta & George Soros want fisting & water sports taught to teens?

Good question.


  1. Have you bothered to read anything from the other side. These issues have been widely debunked. It just amazes me when blatant smears can persist even after disproven. Of course you wouldn't realize this if you only read those sources which agree with you in the first place.

  2. Media Matters is your bible, isn't it?

  3. Debunked? I don't think so. Jennings attended that event and had to have been fully aware of the content. His subsequent comments questioning the appropriateness of the content are just damage control.

    Un the plus side, no one has claimed that Mao Tse Tung was quoted during the fisting demo.

  4. Media Matters is on my rss reader, but so are Hot Air, News Busters and you.


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