Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bobby Rush Hoodie (Video)

Illinois Rep. Bobby Rush, former Black Panther, could have made a statement about Trayvon Martin and justice when he spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Instead, Bobby Rush chose to make a fool of himself.

It's unfortunate that this elected official abused the forum rather than deliver some eloquent remarks.

Here's video:

REP. BOBBY RUSH: Just because you wear a hoodie, [it] doesn't make you a hoodlum.


Rush has served in Congress for nearly 20 years. He must know the House rules. No hats.

One might argue that a hood isn't a hat, and Rush was treated unfairly.

I don't think so.

Origin of hat:
before 900; Middle English; Old English hætt; cognate with Old Norse hǫttr hood; akin to hood

What's troubling about the incident is the way Rush completely ignores the gavel.

Clearly, he believes the rules don't apply to him.

I wonder why Rush didn't mention the New Black Panther Party's $1 million bounty on George Zimmerman. Does he stand in solidarity with that?

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