Friday, August 10, 2018

Cindy Werner - U.S. Congress District 4 - WI

Cindy Werner is a 2018 Republican candidate seeking election to the U.S. House to represent the 4th Congressional District of Wisconsin.

About Cindy Werner:

Meet Cindy Werner - a small business owner, Christian, mother, and Republican who has served her country and believes that hard work does pay off.

Cindy Werner grew up with 12 brothers and sisters and was raised by a single mom (her dad passed away when she was young). Werner's mother worked two jobs to buy a home and get her family out of the housing projects. She taught her children the importance of giving back to others, often with the refrain that "to those whom much is given, much is expected in return." Being raised by a strong, God fearing woman led Werner to a life dedicated to helping people regardless of their circumstances.

Cindy Werner proudly served in the US Army where she learned the importance of working with a diverse population. This skillset still serves her today.

She knows what it takes to get hard work done. Through "Women Off Welfare," Werner worked tirelessly to provide welfare recipients with access to training and meaningful careers. She has served in the healthcare, education and housing industries, always with a focus on improving the lives of those whom she has served.

Cindy Werner has worked with elected officials to bring about real welfare reform through programs that provide a hand up, not a hand out. She is a strong proponent of providing technical training to give people knowledge and skills that will lead to good paying jobs, reduced government dependence, and brighter futures for all.

Perhaps her most important "titles" are those of Christian and mother. Now a grandmother (and a "mom" to numerous others that refer to her as such through her mentor work), her life continues to grow. As a member of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, her walk with God continues to grow and her faith is continually deepened.

Today, Cindy Werner is asking for your support, asking that you join her in moving Congressional District 4 forward towards a brighter day. If you are tired of wanting and waiting for change, then join us! If you are tired of things not getting better in Congressional District 4 then join us! If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then join us! Join us and together we will make Congressional District 4 a more promising and prominent place to live and work!
Read where Cindy Werner stands on the issues.

I'm sure there are many people in the 4th district in agreement with Werner's stance on jobs and the economy, education, and border security and community safety. Werner is pro-life. She supports veterans and the military.

Fourth district voters shouldn't just automatically vote for Democrat incumbent Gwen Moore again.

They should find out more about Cindy Werner. Likely, they'll discover she would serve them well in Congress.

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