Thursday, January 24, 2019

SOTU: No Alternative Venue

I agree with the president's decision to give the State of the Union in the House Chamber and not in an alternative venue.

Some Senate Republicans have suggested the president give the address in the Senate.

While the Senate Chamber would provide a dignified setting, I don't think the Democrats should be allowed to take a pass on being in attendance.

I want to see Pelosi sitting behind the president when he gives the State of the Union. I want to watch her reactions. I want to see House and Senate Democrats react to what the president says.

President Trump is America's president. Democrats and Never Trumpers refuse to accept that, but he is the president.

Choosing an alternative venue would be a victory for Pelosi and the others resisting the reality of November 8, 2016.

Waiting for the Democrats to end their shutdown is the best choice.

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