Saturday, February 9, 2008

Huckabee Committed to Marching On

Huckabee hoping for a "miracle"
“I didn’t major in math,” Huckabee told a cheering crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference meeting Saturday. “I majored in miracles.”

Mike Huckabee is still campaigning.

He's still talking about his "smooth stones."

He's still asking for money.

The latest fund-raising e-mail from Mike Huckabee--

Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2008 17:55:51
From: "Governor Mike Huckabee"
Subject: Committed To Marching On

Yesterday, Mitt Romney announced that he will no longer seek the Republican nomination for President. I wish Mitt and his family all the best.

Over the past year, Mitt and his entire family have sacrificed a lot during the course of his campaign and for that, we should all be appreciative of their service and dedication.

Right. Now he respects Romney. That's a dramatic about-face.

It wasn't long ago that minister Huckabee was trashing Romney's faith and misleading voters about Romney's words and his record.

How gracious of Huckabee to send his good wishes to Mitt and his family!

Translation: Dear Romney supporters, now embrace me! I'm your guy!

This is a two-man race for the nomination, and I am committed to marching on. I believe in the importance of a strong national defense -- which includes winning the war against Islamic extremists and the protection of American sovereignty.

I am redoubled in my resolve to carry on my campaign in a civil, dignified manner. The issues that got me into this campaign—protecting life and traditional marriage, defending the 2nd amendment, enacting the FairTax and real border security are going to keep me in this campaign.

Our first real test together will be to raise the money we need to fund our campaign plan for the primaries and caucuses tomorrow in Washington, Louisiana, Kansas and next Tuesday District of Columbia, Maryland and Virginia. Since Gov. Romney dropped out late yesterday afternoon we have raised over $195,000 online including first time donations from over 1,300 people. We need to keep up this pace. Our goal is to raise an additional $1,000,000 by Tuesday and we are still $600,000 away from our goal.

Will you make an immediate contribution of $25 or more to our campaign?

If you have already contributed today please find someone else to match your gift. We are working to recruit 4,000 - 5,000 new first time contributors before next Tuesday. Will you encourage your friends and family to match your contribution? Their support is as important to our campaign as your own.

Our second greatest challenge is to contact as many voters as possible. We added a Kansas call list late yesterday afternoon to our online phone bank (they vote tomorrow!) and thanks to the commitment of 574 supporters we’ve been able to generate over 7,000 voter identification calls. Today we need to generate three and four times that amount.

To help motivate everyone, I will personally call and thank the volunteer that makes the most calls to voters using our online phone bank tool. Will you help? Will you make calls? To learn more about this click here.

I really wonder what Huckabee is doing.

Now that Romney is out, does he think he stands a chance of getting the nomination?

What is this? Is there method in his madness?

Is he flat-out mad?

As a true authentic, consistent, conservative, I have a vision that will bring hope, opportunity and prosperity to all Americans. We can win. We will win.

So Huckabee is a "true authentic, consistent, conservative" with a vision.

He seems to be distinguishing himself from the presumptive nominee, John McCain -- the untrue, inauthentic, inconsistent conservative.

When Huckabee says, "We can win. We will win," I wonder what his meaning of "win" is.

Win what? He can't mean the Republican nomination.

I am counting on you as I always have, because you are the five smooth stones in my pocket.

Yes, Huckabee's got stones.

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