Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Camille Paglia Gives Advice to Democrats and Feminists

Salon has been trashing Sarah Palin with a troubling viciousness.

In one article, Palin is a dominatrix.

Surely, women on the Right and the Left should be able to find common ground here and join in a harmonious chorus of outrage. Of course, that's not happening.

In another article, Palin is no different than a Muslim fundamentalist.

People of faith should be disturbed that because Palin is religious, she is considered indistinguishable from a murdering terrorist, bent on killing the infidels.

Salon has yet another column on Sarah Palin. At least this one, written by Camille Paglia, isn't a total smear job.

Paglia does make some interesting points in the piece.

I found this to be particularly insightful:

It is nonsensical and counterproductive for Democrats to imagine that pro-life values can be defeated by maliciously destroying their proponents. And it is equally foolish to expect that feminism must for all time be inextricably wed to the pro-choice agenda. There is plenty of room in modern thought for a pro-life feminism -- one in fact that would have far more appeal to third-world cultures where motherhood is still honored and where the Western model of the hard-driving, self-absorbed career woman is less admired.

It's unfortunate that neither Democrats nor pro-choice feminists are likely to see the light.

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