Monday, September 1, 2008

Diddy Blog #16 - John McCain, Sarah Palin, Alaska, and Black Policies

Politial genius Diddy shares his thoughts on John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin to be his running mate.

He doesn't think too highly of the nice lady's abilities. He also can't relate to Alaska.

Diddy believes that McCain needs to get versed on "black policies."

Transcript and video, Diddy Blog #16:

DIDDY: Diddy Obama blog! Diddy Obama blog! Diddy Obama blog #16!

Attention John McCain. Attention John McCain.

My name is Diddy, OK?

...I had to check in with you to tell you that you are buggin' the f--- out. I don't even understand what planet you're on right now. This is the job to be the leader of the free world, OK?

No disrespect. I love you. I want you to live to be 110, but things happen. Like what if, God forbid, you got a running mate, you become President... Alaska? ALASKA. ALASKA? Ala... Come on, man. I don't even know if there's any black people in Alaska.

John, like, come on, this is... Sarah Pa...? Yo, if you really think that we're gonna let you win this election with these, these like, crazy decisions that you're makin', you're buggin', OK?

I'm calling all youth, all colors, all youth voters, November 4th: We have to protect our future... John McCain is buggin' the f--- out, OK?

...I mean, what in the hell? Alaska? You shoulda got Michelle Obama to be your running mate, now that woulda been something strategic and phlat.

This one right here is not respectful to our lives, diverse lives, anybody...

You're my man. God bless you. You're a great war hero, but you are buggin' the f--- out. Sarah Palin, that is completely irresponsible... Yo, Sarah, you ain't ready to be no vice president, man.

...You are buggin' the f--- out, John McCain.

...I'm gonna bring millions out to the polls November 4th to make sure that... Alaska, motherf---er? What is the reality in Alaska? Like what is... There's not even no crackheads in Alaska. There's not even no black people. There's not even no, like, crime.

Foreign policies, y'all may be versed on foreign policies. Y'all need to get versed on black policies, and youth policies. We the future. John, you're buggin' the f--- out, man.

"No disrepect"?



Anonymous said...

Diddy, I love you man but you need to get in touch with the US. Where do you think you can get some more oil so gas prices go down and you can fly on your private jet??? What State is the first line of defense against Russia? Alaska has tons of blacks on its 5+ military bases that protects the U.S. against Russia. Please, man, do some research before slamming Governor Palin.

Mary said...

I don't think it helps Obama for a wealthy, pampered celebrity to come out and complain about Palin's home state of Alaska.

Dissing small towns doesn't play well with middle America.

Obama and Biden spent four days last week trying to embrace blue-collar, small town America and paint themselves as being just "ordinary folks."

With supporters like Diddy, Obama doesn't need detractors.

Anonymous said...

Diddy, You are a turd. Do some research. Alaska has its Crackheads, meth-heads you name it. Alaska has tons of blacks, asians, Islanders and much more. Alaska is a melting pot. Judging by the way you talk, I see that you did not have an education duringyour "yoof-ful" years and that explains why you think the way you think about Alaska the way you do. Hop on your Jet head up here for some crab legs and skrimps.

Anonymous said...

"There's not even no crackheads in Alaska. There's not even no black people.

There's not even no, like, crime."

careful.... some might say your making alaska's point

Anonymous said...

Sean, you have just showed what true ignorance is. I am a black republican and I am voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. If wavering was on my mind, hearing your ignorant comments just totally swayed me to the right. I feel very confident that this women represents me, we have the same fundamental values. However, I am surprised that you don't like her. Let's see you have five children and you are not married to anyone of the mothers. I guess family values are not high on your agenda, just black crackheads. Please Pray.

Anonymous said...

Diddy, You are bigger than the comments you just made. Grow up. I am hoping you retract your statements. Regardless of your opinions there was no need for you to disrespect the woman. we all know that you have no respect for women; unless they are doing something to benefit you. Grow up... all you have done is make people keep those "GOOD OLE BOY" mentality regarding black people. You may be big but whoever told you to start these blogs should be FIRED... i thought you were a smart man... Thank you for proving me wrong.

Anonymous said...

Undoubtedly, Combs could certainly have been more articulate and thorough in making a case against McCain’s selection of Palin as a running mate. It would have demonstrated his willingness to take seriously the political position of an individual with whom he disagrees sharply.
In a similar vein, the individual who transcribed Combs’ comments for this blog could certainly have paid closer attention and captured all of the words spoken.
It seems that the underlying disgust that Combs is expressing (over the failure of McCain's campaign to vet Palin and to uphold their own standards an expectations for a Commander-in-Chief) has been disregarded in this case because the way in which Combs expresses himself is not lacking in form and syntax. I offer, however, that Combs' commentary, while overly simplistic, follows closer to the form in which the masses of Americans express themselves, even as it diverges sharply from the discourse of political pundits and that there is a time when the lofty verbosity of political commentary fails to express the raw truth we all know deep down. In this case, the truth is that even aspiring presidents are capable of "bugging the f**K" out". Combs just came out and said it. And fortunately for him, he is a American and has the constitutional right to do so.
This is an object lesson in why we need to be investing in a world class education for all. In urban centers and suburbia alike, across the nation, this is how our young people speak. For this reason, Combs could so comfortably appeal to all youth in such vernacular, confident that they would understand him and connect with the frustration as he expressed it. If we better educate our young people, maybe soon, Combs, an educated man, won't need to dumb down his vernacular to appeal to most young Americans.

Anonymous said...

A few pesky typos of my own:
"It seems that the underlying disgust that Combs is expressing (over the failure of McCain's campaign to vet Palin and to uphold their own standards an expectations for a Commander-in-Chief) has been disregarded in this case because the way in which Combs expresses himself [IS] lacking in form and syntax."


Combs is [AN] American


Mary said...

In a similar vein, the individual who transcribed Combs’ comments for this blog could certainly have paid closer attention and captured all of the words spoken.

I transcribed what I heard. Obviously, I offer the video so you can simply watch and listen to what he said.

I didn't do any underhanded chopping.

Watch the video. Listen. Read what I transcribed.


I welcome any corrections or additions.