Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Joe Lieberman's Speech

After Fred Thompson left the stage, INDEPENDENT Joe Lieberman addressed the Republican National Convention.

Just like Thompson, Lieberman first talked about Hurricane Gustav.

He said it shouldn't take a natural disaster to bring Americans together.

Basically, Lieberman's speech was about putting America first, ahead of partisan politics.

Lieberman talked about Americans fighting each other, engaging in the sort of senseless partisanship that George Washington warned about centuries ago.

"I'm here to support John McCain because country matters more than party."

Lieberman said, "Being a Democrat or a Republican is important, but it is nowhere near as important as being an American."

Lieberman said that both candidates have talked about changing politics, but only one has actually done it -- John McCain.

"Don't be fooled... Trust me. God only made one John McCain, and he is his own man."

Lieberman talked up McCain's maverick status and his practice of reaching across the aisle.

"If John McCain is just another partisan Repubican, then I'm Michael Moore's favorite Democrat."

He called Barack Obama "an eloquent young man," but "eloquence is no substitute for a record."

Lieberman then said he was honored to say a few words about Sarah Palin.

Whenever a speaker mentioned Palin's name, the delegates responded with resounding cheers. Clearly, the Left's brutal attacks on Palin have crashed and burned.

Lieberman said, "Gov. Palin, like John McCain, is a reformer."

"The truth is she is a leader we can count on to help John shake up Washington."

Lieberman said that's why he sincerely believes that the ticket for real change this year is the McCain-Palin ticket.

He said because of McCain, "America's troops are coming home and they're coming home with honor."

He called McCain the kind of president "our allies will trust and our enemies will fear."

He directly addressed the independents and Reagan Democrats and Clinton Democrats in the TV viewing audience.

"It's no ordinary election because these are no ordinary times. And trust me, John McCain is no ordinary candidate."

"Vote for the person you believe is best for our country, not for the party you happen to belong to."

"Vote for the leader... who has always put America first."

I think it was a very effective speech.


CatholicSoldier said...

I Loved it!

Anonymous said...

Very effective speech and brave too!!
As an American who feels we have too many who would sell their country for fifteen minutes of pop culture fame, I was proud to see proven leaders who say it like it is about McCain. I am very conservative and I don't agree with everything the Senator believes on the issues. I DO feel that his choice for VP running mate is excellent. I'm looking forward to hearing her speak.

Susan in Oregon

Mary said...

I think Gov. Palin's speech could be one of the most pivotal addresses of this entire campaign.

Anonymous said...

Sacrificing his own career, Joe did the right thing.

Mary said...

Country first.