Saturday, September 27, 2008

Obama's Stem Cell Research Lies

Barack Obama is lying.

If you're in Wisconsin and have listened to radio, you've probably heard Obama's lies over and over again.

In a flat-out lying shameless Obama attack ad against John McCain's position on stem cell research, Jody Montgomery and her daughter, Maddy, return.

Yes, little Maddy is being trotted out again.

Remember when Gov. Jim Doyle pulled the same lies in his campaign against Mark Green in 2006?

Read more about Doyle's lies here and here.

Here's the press release about the ad, "Six Times," from Doyle's 2006 campaign:

The ad, a 30-second spot entitled “Six Times,” features Jody Montgomery of Verona, and her four-year-old daughter Maddy, who has juvenile diabetes.

“Governor Jim Doyle understands the vast promise of stem cell research to cure terrible diseases and change lives, and so does Jody Montgomery,” said Anson Kaye, Communications Director for the Doyle campaign. “But Mark Green wants to shut it down. Governor Doyle will never turn his back on people like Jody and Maddy, but Mark Green already has.”

In the ad, Jody talks about the night that she learned that Maddy had juvenile diabetes, and the heartbreaking regimen she has been on ever since – testing Maddy’s blood sugar six times a day.

Noting that it’s stem cell researchers in Wisconsin who are leading the way on stem cell research, Jody says: “So when a Washington politician like Mark Green says he’s going to outlaw stem cell research, I say, tell it to my daughter.” (A complete frame by frame of the ad is attached to this release.)

“Mark Green attempts to obscure his staunch opposition of stem cell research through verbal sleight of hand and distortion, but his record is clear – he wants to slam the door on stem cell research, and if he had his way, he’d shut it down,” Kaye said.

That ad stated that Green was standing in the way of helping cute, little Maddy be healthy.


Watch Doyle's ad.

Now, Obama is using the same sleazy techniques.

From the New York Times:

Two weeks ago, Senator Barack Obama’s presidential campaign gleefully publicized a spate of news reports about misleading and untruthful statements in the advertisements of his rival, Senator John McCain. Asked by a voter in New Hampshire if he would respond in kind, Mr. Obama said, “I just have a different philosophy, I’m going to respond with the truth,” adding, “I’m not going to start making up lies about John McCain.”


Obama is making up lies about McCain.
A radio advertisement running in Wisconsin and other contested states misleadingly reports that Mr. McCain “has stood in the way of” federal financing for stem cell research; Mr. McCain did once oppose such federally supported research but broke with President Bush to consistently support it starting in 2001 (his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, does not support it).

Obama is lying.

Here's the script of Obama's ad that lies about McCain and stem cell research:

TITLE: "Understands."

LENGTH: One minute.

AIRING: On radio stations in Madison, Wis.; the Obama campaign said it is running in other markets across Wisconsin but would not identify them; the McCain campaign says it also is running in the Philadelphia suburbs.
SCRIPT: Jody Montgomery: My name is Jody Montgomery and my daughter Maddy was diagnosed with Type I Juvenile Diabetes at age 3. Six times a day, I take her blood. Six times a day, I pray for a cure. Researchers are working hard to do just that. Our best hope is stem cell research, and that's why we support Barack Obama.

Announcer: Stem cell research could unlock cures for diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer's too. But John McCain has stood in the way...he's opposed stem cell research. Picked a running mate who's against it...And he's running on a platform even more extreme than George Bush's on this vital research. John McCain doesn't understand that medical research benefiting millions shouldn't be held hostage by the political views of a few.

Jody Montgomery: For Maddy and millions of others, stem cell research can unlock cures. Barack Obama understands that. But John McCain just doesn't.

ANALYSIS: Obama's campaign misleadingly paints McCain as an opponent of embryonic stem cell research to score points with independent and female voters in Wisconsin, the birthplace of the field.

...In fact, McCain voted in 2006 and 2007 for bills that would increase federal funding for the research and lift President Bush's restrictions on the work. His stance has angered many social conservatives in his own party but won him praise from advocates for the research.

What Obama "understands" is how to lie about stem cell research to score political points.

In addition to lying about McCain's position on stem cell research, Obama's ad lies about stem cell research and Alzheimer's Disease.

The radio ad the Barack Obama campaign is running that falsely accuses John McCain of opposing stem cell research and misleads listeners on the best hope for diabetes patients has another problem. The ad promises cures for Alzheimer’s even though leading scientists say the disease likely won't benefit.

"Stem cell research could unlock cures for diabetes, cancer and Alzheimer’s, too. But John McCain has stood in the way ... he's opposed stem cell research," the ad claims.

However, leading scientists say that embryonic stem cell research will likely never yield a cure for Alzheimer's.

More lies.

And then we have this:

The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign.

The operative term is "TV."

Obama apparently has no problem running radio ads packed with lies.

This is Obama's America.

Obama believes he's entitled to run radio ads about John McCain that contain lies.

Obama believes he's entitled to censor his critics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never trust a blog, or an individual, that claims in print to be right. Never trust a man who freely calls other men liars; this is not only bad manners, it is a sign of low breeding. Better to argue than to accuse.