Sunday, September 14, 2008

SNL Season Debut Not Palin-Friendly

The lib news media's obsession with Sarah Palin has spilled over into the entertainment division.

In all the years that I've watched Saturday Night Live, I've never seen so much of one show devoted to a vice presidential candidate.

NEW YORK -- Live from New York ... it's Tina Fey as Gov. Sarah Palin.

After wild conjecture over whom would play Sen. John McCain's running mate on "Saturday Night Live," Fey returned to her old show for an opening sketch featuring her and Fey's former "Weekend Update" co-host Amy Poehler as Sen. Hillary Clinton.

The NBC comedy show's season premiere opened Saturday with a "nonpartisan message" where the two pleaded for an end to sexism in the presidential campaigns — which have seen Palin enjoy sudden popularity after Clinton's loss to Sen. Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination.

"I didn't want a woman to be president, I wanted to be president," said Poehler, reprising her caricature of Clinton.

Many have said Fey bears a resemblance to Palin, a comparison alluded to in the sketch. A frustrated Clinton eventually broke down, complaining about Palin's ease of ascendance and her "Tina Fey glasses."

A few digs were made about Palin being less experienced than Clinton. As Poehler's Clinton bragged about her foreign policy experience, Fey's Alaskan governor exclaimed: "I can see Russia from my house!"

When Poehler said she disagreed with the Bush Doctrine, Fey's Palin acknowledged, "I don't know what that means" — a reference to Palin's apparent confusion on the subject in her first major interview earlier this week on ABC.

Poehler wrapped up the sketch: "In conclusion, I invite the media to grow a pair. And if you can't, I will lend you mine."

This was the season premiere for SNL. The first new show since May.

There wasn't a single skit incorporating the characters of Barack Obama or John McCain. Not one. Zero.

Of course, Joe Biden was completely left out.

Palin was the sole target.

Considering we're just a month and a half away from electing a new president, I think it's strange that a topical show like SNL would ignore the presidential contenders and reserve its barbs for Sarah Palin.

...This year's season debut was expected to dive even further into politics because of a planned appearance from Obama. But the Senator canceled his cameo early Saturday. His campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Obama decided it was no longer appropriate because of the devastation caused by Hurricane Ike.

Who knows what Obama would have done on the show? I think it's a safe bet to assume that he would have been seen in an extremely positive light.

It will be interesting to see if in the coming weeks SNL remains as unfair and unbalanced as it was in its season premiere.


From FOX News:
Aboard the Palin Plane–

On the Palin plane tonight as we traveled from Reno, Nevada to Denver Saturday Night Live was on and thanks to our Jet Blue television sets we were able to catch it.

Tonight was the season premiere and they wasted no time poking fun at the GOP Vice-Presidential candidate. The show opened up with Tina Fey playing Palin flawlessly and she was a dead-ringer for McCain’s number two. She appeared with Amy Poehler’s very funny Hillary Clinton and hilarity ensued.

We were able to confirm that Sarah Palin was also watching SNL, but no idea yet if she appreciated the teasing.


Chus said...
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Other Side said...

It's funny you complain about unfairness in entertainment.

Talk to Rush, Charlie, Mark, Michael Savage, et al. Don't you people tell us "They're not journalists, they're entertainers."

Whining is so unbecoming.

Zach W. said...

Sarah Palin's become quite the celebrity...I wonder what John McCain thinks of that.

Anonymous said...

SNL USUALLY pokes fun at all candidates but not last night. They gave Palin plenty of airtime both in the opening sketch and in two ridiculous jokes during their news section. They also need to do their homework on the "Bush Doctorine" along with Charlie Gibson. I guess we know who's side they are on. No jokes about Biden or Obama. Another show I will have to stop watching due to their one-sidedness. Can't say I will be giving up much. They lost intelligent humor years ago.

Jay Bullock said...

At least it was Hillary-friendly.

Oh. Wait.

Mary said...

Other side, I'm not complaining about the unfairness in entertainment, just commenting on the show.

I'm not whining, just giving my thoughts. Do you have a problem with that?

Like Jenn said, usually all the candidates are targeted. I thought it was Palin overload.

I also didn't like the use of the terms "MILF" and "GILF," even on the irreverent SNL.

The opening skit was no love letter to Hillary, but she was depicted as having a brain.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin is does NOT have the experience needed to lead out country. For those who say Obama is not experienced I quote a web page which lists Obama's credibility in foreign relations:

Obama service on the Foreign Relations committee has placed him in an unique position in that he is the Chair of the Subcommittee on European Relations and serves on the Subcommittees on African Affairs; East Asia and Pacific Affairs; and International Development and Foreign Assistance, Economic Affairs, and International Environmental Protection. This cross-section of subcommittees places Obama in a unique position of having knowledge about Asian, African and European issues. The only other member of the Foreign Relations committee who is running for President is Democrat Joseph Biden who is Chairman of the full Foreign Relations Committee yet unlike Obama he does not serve on any of the other foreign policy committees and his experience is limited to foreign policy issues covered by the Foreign Relations Committee.

Obama has also traveled extensively in his capacity as a member of the Foreign Relations Committee and has visited Russia, Ukraine, and Azerbaijan in Asia; Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, and the Palestinian Territories in the Middle East; and Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, and South Africa in Africa. Obama has also co-sponsored the "Lugar-Obama Act" with Republican Senator Richard Lugar who was Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations at the time. This act was a bi-partisan effort to increase U.S. security in terms of the elimination of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction. This legislation came out of Obama's trip with Senator Richard Lugar to Russia, the Ukraine and Azerbaijan.

Obama has also sponsored legislation such as the "Democratic Republic of Congo Relief, Security, and Democracy Promotion Act" which was signed into law by President Bush on December 22, 2006. Obama has co-sponsored immigration related bills related to his service on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee including the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act. His extensive foreign policy experience exceeds that of every other Presidential candidate including his trips abroad in the performance of his official duties as a member of committees dealing with foreign relation issues.

While some have criticized Obama's foreign travel claiming that he is the most traveled freshman Senator in doing so they often fail to mention that as a result of his extensive trips abroad is legislation such as the Lugar-Obama Act instead preferring to make the political connection between his travels abroad to his run for President yet others will recognize the experience he has gained as a result of his foreign trips and recognize that as a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that he is expected to travel extensively and that his travels often were with the Chairmanof the Foreign Relations Committee.

Among the three top freshman who have received attention along with Obama in terms of foreign travel you have Barack Obama who serves on three committees dealing with foreign policy, Republican Richard Burr who serves on the Select Committee on Intelligence and Republican Tom Coburn who serves on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and it must be noted that such travel was part of an official delegation and was approved and paid for by the Senate.

Mary said...


Sean said...

"The opening skit was no love letter to Hillary, but she was depicted as having a brain."

Hillary was depicted that way because she had a track record of been smart and thoughtful, regardless of whether you agreed with her or not. Sarah Palin doesn't have that record, and stumbling on the "Bush doctrine" question, again regardless whether you think the question was fair or not, didn't help that impression.

And complaining about a comedy show making a few dig at Sarah Palin is just so typical of how she's handling coverage of her. She can parade her family, the Dawn syndrom baby and preganent daughter on stage when it suits her, but then complain when media started covering them. She can making blanket accusations at Obama, but when media starts questioning her qualification and past records, she complain that's unfair. Just so typical.

Anonymous said...

The shiny surface will soon begin to wear off and the American public will see the real Palin -- a holier-than-thou hypocrite and liar who doesn't have a clue. And Republicans think SHE would make a good president? Frankly, she scares the crap out of me.

I voted Republican for 34 years until they got so entrenched in their own lies and let the radical religious right begin to control them. Now it's Obama all the way!

Palin needs to stop whining. It's so unbecoming.

Anonymous said...

Wow! SNL did an unbecoming skit of a politician?! Sexism! Biased liberal media! They would NEVER do that to a democratic candidate. Oh, wait.....

Really, people, the fake shock and offense is getting old.

This was the first show back for the series and Sarah Palin was an obvious target right now because she is new. They took swipes at Obama, Clinton, Biden, McCain and everyone other candidate last season. They will all show up again, don't worry. There is a lot of laughable stuff going on out there on the campaign trail.

Anonymous said...

"Of coarse Joe Biden was left out"

Sarah Palin reveal on national television that he had no idea what the most significant change in foreign policy in the past 100 years was. Sarah Palin demonstrated that she is completly unfit for the office. Sarah Palin showed that she was a token pick, choosen for purely poltical reasons with little or no thought about ability or qualifications. Joe Biden did none of these things! Your point is that the GOP blames the media for all it's faults and failures.

Anonymous said...

As an independent, undecided voter, I have yet to read anything with substance against Palin. I have had to sift through almost a dozen false stories including creationism and book banning, to arrive at a bridge, a jet, earmarks, and failure to set a foot over the iraq border crossing. All non-issues.

So now they try to mock her with SNL.

They will surely need to unveil something substantive on the days before the election. That's how Bush's DUI was unveiled, and why I didn't vote for him.

Anonymous said...

Tina Fey probably has more knowledge of foreign policy then Palin does!

Anonymous said...

To the blogger who said they didn't vote for Bush due to his DUI?

Sara Palins husband, Todd Palin, husband of Sarah, was a member of the secessionist Alaska Independence Party from 1995 through 2002 & had a DUI arrest as well. SHE CALLS HIM #1 DUDE BTW...
She does NOT believe in abortion for rape & incest. She is a token & if someone like here is in the White House we are in SO MUCH TROUBLE. Dick Chaney was a TOP advisor to Bush on whether or not to go to war with Iraq...don't underestimate the VP's power everyone...Please, even if you're on the fence with this election, please please please give the dems a chance this time around. We need CHANGE or we as Americans, are finished. Period.

Mary said...

Obama's troops are out in force.

Now THAT is amusing.

Everyone makes grammatical and spelling errors now and then, but the ones found in the comments from this morning are really noteworthy.

Funny for these people to be slamming Palin for her lack of ability.

Dick Chaney?