Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WRTL Endorses John Gard

Wisconsin Right to Life endorsed John Gard. Of course.

Gard's opponent, incumbent DOCTOR Steve Kagen, has received a perfect zero rating on Right-to-Life issues.

--Voted to withhold life-saving medicines from the elderly.

--Voted to allow the cloning of human embryos for the purpose of killing them in medical experiments.

--Voted to force taxpayers to pay for the destruction of human embryos for research.

--Voted to undermine the Mexico City Policy, a policy which protects taxpayers from subsidizing oversears organizations that perform or actively promote abortion.

--Voted to provide federal family planning dollars (YOUR tax dollars!) to Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.

Kagen is a model soldier in the war on the Culture of Life.
The Wisconsin Right to Life Political Action Committee (WRTL/PAC) has endorsed John Gard for election to the U.S. House of Representatives in the 8th congressional district.

In a letter to Gard, Bonnie Pfaff, WRTL/PAC Chair told him:

"Throughout your distinguished legislative career, you consistently and courageously defended the sanctity of human life through your tremendous leadership and advocacy. Whether the issue was taxpayer funding of abortion, the Wisconsin Born Alive Infant Protection Act or a ban on partial-birth abortion, you stood firm on the side of life.

Your personal commitment to the protection of the most vulnerable members of society is deeply appreciated by right-to-life people throughout the 8th congressional district. Please accept our heartfelt thanks for all you have done, and continue to do, to create a culture of life where every member of the human family is cherished and protected."

Gard is challenging incumbent Congressman Steve Kagen, who has maintained a 0% right-to-life voting record. Kagen's votes include voting to undermine the Mexico City Policy, which protects taxpayers from subsidizing organizations that perform or promote abortion overseas; voting to use federal taxpayer dollars to fund Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, and several other objectionable votes. Kagen has been endorsed by Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin, the state's largest abortion provider. That organization has fought to defeat legislation such as a ban on partial-birth abortion and legislation requiring parental consent prior to a minor's abortion.

Democrat Steve Kagen has disgraced Wisconsin.

He tends to
exaggerate (aka lie).

Read about the boorish Steve Kagen.

Wisconsinites in the 8th congressional district deserve better representation than Kagen.

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