Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hank Williams Jr., Barack Obama, and the Bitter Americans

From Politico:

Hank Williams Jr. — the country music scion best known for his paens to rural and rowdy life — is up on the radio in Virginia and other swing states with an ad going after Barack Obama for the Democrat's comment this spring that small-town Americans "cling" to guns and religion.

"We love our God — and we love our guns, especially handed down from our grandfathers," Williams notes with a steel guitar playing in the background. "And we resent it when liberals like Obama question our way of life."

I resent it when the elites speak condescendingly about small-town America and fly-over country.

I don't like the relentless mocking of Sarah Palin -- the way she speaks, her accent and speech patterns; the fact that she hunts and is a hockey mom and is a Christian; and the depiction of Alaskans as hicks.

I'm unashamed about clinging to my religion. I don't do it because the government has failed me.

I resent that Obama would suggest that my faith has anything to do with politics.

I'm not bitter. Obama doesn't get it.


jenstillinak said...

As a former Wisconsin-ite but present and born Alaskan, I can say that I don't even care that they imply that we are all 'hicks'. I would rather be classified as a hick than an elitist snob.
I am, however, sick of their ruthless coverage of Sarah. She is a woman, wears heels, has an accent, has a family, has a husband who stands up for his family - SHOCKING!!! They need to quit trying to find any little thing the can and blowing it up to something huge.

Anonymous said...

A two-income family, one of whom is a Governor of the great state of Alaska.

But needs $150,000 to be dressed for a two month campaign? The whole family.

Boy, times really are hard under Republican presidents. And Governors, too, I guess.

Anonymous said...

I do not recall badly dressed Democrats.
It must be hard to find real things to complain about if that is the best they can do.
For shame to want to look nice in the national eye.
Maybe they should have bought their close at Goodwill then maybe they would have been HERO'S